
Do you feel like your running a dang restaurant?

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Im a vegetarian and will eat pretty much anything except for meat. I love salads and veggies.

My daughter is vegetarian and doesn't care or vegetables too much but will eat a select few. She loves fruit and will eat that instead.

My husband is omnivore and will pretty much eat anything except for tofu or other soy protein products.

So here I am, preparing 3 meals for everyone for supper and its really getting on my nerves. Is there any other people out there with the same dilemna and how do you deal with it ?




  1. I would just fix ONE meal and if they don't like it they can starve or fix their own meals!

  2. No..our family makes dinners that everyone will eat.  I refuse to run a restaurant.

  3. You cant not with everyone being so picky.I know tons of families who are doing the same thing as you.We have been a cater to society.

    When everyone has picky eating habit you have to grin and bare it.

    make your salad and veggies and buy hubby side dishes from fresh market that are already prepared.roasted chicken cordon blue etc.

  4. I used to cook meat for my husband while cooking vegan for myself.

    But my husband has asked not what I cook vegan for him.  My food is always better.  :-)

  5. Well, what you could do is fix some veggies for you and a veggie analogue or main dish, and your husband can fix his own meat.  It will not kill him to help cook.  Then you and your hubby can both have the veggies while you have your analogue and he has his meat.  Or try giving him seitan, a meat substitute made from wheat gluten.

    Make larger portions, freeze stuff, and make use of leftovers.

    If your daughter is old enough to cook, and she doesn't like the vegetables you're serving, she should be able to cook her own.  And if she'll eat the analogues/tofu/tempeh you're coking, she should do that.  If there are frozen meals she likes, let her get a few for nights you are making something she doesn't like.

    You have to be firm and let your family know that this isn't working.

  6. IF your a stay a home mom, well you have time during the day to cook. If you work then I would teach them how to cook. Pretty much your family made a choice in lifestyle..

    Other then veggies, you can use pasta and rice. Its just a matter of cooking a portion of meat for your husband.  Create recipes that way.

  7. LOL many people have the same problem i have even read about it in some vegetarian books ......I shall pray for you even though i am buddhist lol..........well its good exercise see it that way

  8. I feel your pain.  I fix three separate meals for my family as well.

    I generally prepare meals for my son (who is vegetarian with gluten intolerance) separately, and then make a vegetarian casserole or pot of soup for my husband, (who is omni, but if he wants meat he calls for take out!)  and that will last him several days.

    Since I'm raw, my food is completely different from theirs, but I always have my staples prepped, so my meals are quickly assembled.

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