
Do you [ feel ] manipulated by the Chinese government?

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Around 1 billion people around the globe are estimated to have tuned in to watch the spectacular opening ceremony of the Beijing Olympics. I wonder how many of them realized that some of those fantastic fireworks they were watching had been created by a computer visual effects team?


At the opening ceremonies, Lin Miaoke, a veteran of television ads, mouthed the words to “Ode to the Motherland” – but the real singer was 7-year-old Yang Peiyi. Yang had a chubby face and crooked baby teeth, and wasn’t good looking enough for the ceremony, stated the chief music director to state-owned Beijing Radio.




  1. Hey, I feel manipulated by Chinese food!

  2. no. im not manipulated by the chinese government. they dont fool me at all. they lie. they fake the opening ceremony which i refused to watch.  they have made 3 million people homeless. they use the word "re located".  to where? tents . or  one room for entire families. beggars plus 2 million homeless children have been swept away and hidden. the whole of beijing has been cleared of cats and dogs. this includes family pets. factories have been closed to try to reduce the foul smog. will the workers be paid?  highly unlikely. cars have been banned. protesters have never had the right to protest. people have been brought in from the street to fill empty seats. free seats that some have had to pay for.the chinese government  are not impressing me at all.

  3. not yet.

  4. And now this:

  5. well from some sources... the fireworks were real but the ones shown on tv were fake.

    cause its impossible to record the fireworks from a birds eye view

  6. They're missing the point.

    Did you know that the Chinese government distributed a little pamphlet with rules to its citizens during the Olympics. In this little pamphlet you can read: 1. Brush your teeth in the morning 2. Do not touch tourists more then 3 seconds 3. Do not eat garlic....and more.

    In its desire to please to Westerners, China overlooked that we do not appreciate being fooled with lip signing and pre-registered fireworks.

  7. No ... but I do feel bored by the coverage of the olympics.  Can I see some sporting events and not all this politicizing by us saying how bad China is?  From Bush interview last night to non-stop talk about the injustices China is doing to its country/people, etc.  

  8. Doesn't surprise me in the slightest.  

  9. 1 For the hundredths time, COMMENTATORS had already told us that LIVE because it is a safety measure so the helicopter wouldn't be on fire as it gives the audience of an aerial view of the outside fireworks

    #2 Welcome to Chinese rendition of cultures of Hollywood.  

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