
Do you feel our current government is protecting our best intrests? Why or why not?

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Im doing some research for a paper I'm writing and would greatly appreciate mature intelligent feedback. All answers will be greatly appreciated. Thanks




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  2. As of now I do not believe the government is protecting our best interests.  Government is beginning to meddle in things that are not theirs to meddle.  Take oil for instance.  Oil is skyrocketing right now and the government is now subsidizing ethanol and other forms of energy.  The government does not need to interfere with these matters because supply and demand will take care of it.  Many people will disagree with me because the government should protect us from the oil companies.  Supply and demand states that if the balance is upset between the two, oil will either come back down to a reasonable price OR someone will invent something much better and cheaper.

        Ethanol is a poor choice for a substitute because it is less efficient than oil.  Since it is subsidized, farmers are growing more corn for the energy project, and creating a shortage in corn for food.  Not only is there a shortage in corn, but in other crops as well because corn is the cash crop at the moment.

        See what happens when government meddles?

  3. No!!!!!!!! The Republican party that sits on Capitol hill or only out for themselves, They care nothing for the American public. as our wallets shrink, theirs get fatter and fatter. If our government cared about us. 911 would have never happened. We were listening in on their conversations and we did nothing. We allow every one into  America. Give them everything,such as welfare,free housing,ability to learn how to fly planes,(no back ground checks)  military knowelge, And so on.

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