
Do you feel out of touch?

by  |  earlier

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with your family?

cause today i went to my cousin's graduation party. and i was their for a total of 15 Min's and i was like mom I'm going to grand mom's me and i will pick you up....

so my question you feel out of touch with your family?




  1. yes as a versailles courtier, I rarely go home to louvre to follow my son the vicomte development and education,  although we have arranged the best tutor we can found in paris for him. moreover the comte always busy with military duty, I'm worry about both my husband and my son. many says that aristocratic living is only haa haa hee hee, but behind, there's a whole sacrificial duty that was planned before our birth.

  2. I am fortunate enough to have a pretty good balance, its 50% don't mind me being a L*****n, and 50% cant stand it. I do feel out of touch when everyone is together, lets say a family gathering, it feels very uncomfortable. I think that its sad that family members can be so hurtful, its like you rather me be a L*****n, or strung out on drugs, a prostitute, alcoholic, and have no real life. I will never understand why its so hard for family to get used to someone being g*y, sometimes they will come around and get used to it, other times they wont, especially if your religious!!!! But as far as having someone there for you, your best bet is a close friend or significant other, i Know personally my girlfriend has brought me through some tough times, we have been through h**l and back but the important thing is that no matter what family or fiends say we will always be there for one another. Even though i want my family to love me as if i were straight, i wouldn't change my lifestyle for the world, or the love i have for my girlfriend!!!!

  3. Yes I do. We have very different ideas about everything. My family for the most part dislikes me for 1) I wont pay their way through life 2) I am a f@g in their minds 3) both 1 and 2. It seems to be okay to be a f@g if I give them money.

  4. No I'm always with my family & I love it I couldn't imagine my life without my family in it. Family is very important to me.

  5. Yes, I usually feel very out of place at family reunions or get togethers. And I really don't think it's got anything to do with my sexuality. I just don't have that much in common with them.

  6. No, I did at once but now thankfully, everything seems to be just fine :).

  7. Ya, Ever since I've met current girlfriend I've changed a lot ( I think for the better) but my family ain't liking the change as much.  But, for the last two years I feel like i don't get a with anyone in my family.  

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