
Do you feel people have forgotten 9/11?

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While the date will always be important to American's, do you feel a majority of American's have slipped back into their mind set prior to the attacks.

I feel a lot of my fellow American's forget we are in Afghanistan because of the events that unfolded on that day and not because we wanted to be. A lot of us don't concern ourselves with the losses others have faced knowing that their loved one's will not be coming home because they were killed in battle. Or people like Pat Tillman gave up high profile career in the NFL to fight for this nation. You don't hear about people doing things of this nature like they did a month after the attacks and the invasion of Afghanistan.

The war in Iraq is a different story. Please do not bring that into this topic if you are going to be completly negative about it. I know Bush piggy backed of America's patriotism to start the war there.




  1. i think history and distance dull the colors, take the edges of the corners, and heal the raw emotions.

    also i think people only talk about what directly affects them. it is a crying shame we have families caught up in these wars, and people have lost people.. personally I have had both... my brother is a US marine and I was 2 blocks from the WTC on 9/11... but people have to roll with the punches, internalize the life lessons and keep on going... if we live in the past or continue to trudge forward acting as if the world has not changed and we have not changed in the last seven years...

    we'd go crazy

    and start wars

  2. believe me american people didn't forget about 9/11

    i'm sure because when  americans insult muslims and call islam terrorism they always always always refer to 9/11 so don't worry about that!

    but you know what? people try to forget about the 9/11 that is happening every single day in afghanistan

    see i didn't talk about iraq or even about palestine not because it's a different story but because that's enough to proove that you are guilty

    you're fighting terrorism with terrorism so...

  3. I look at the websites regularly as I wait for the American people to wake up to the fact that they have been manipulated by the Bush government and have given up a lot of the rights that were enshrined in the constitution and now there exists a fear mentality in the USA.

    far more investigations need to go into 9/11 and how does logic deal with the fact that a few uneducated and unskilled muslims could cause such devastation to the worlds only superpower.

    I would still like to know why Cheney watched flight 77 travel from 50 miles away from the Pentagon and yet did nothing

    Remember the majority of the pilots were Saudi's, yet the blame was put on OSAMA , not proved, and some of the pilots who were supposed to have piloted the planes are still alive

  4. I don't see how anyone could forget 9/11, it was the Kennedy assassination of the generation. However, I don't think constantly harping on it is either constructive nor healthy. While it was a national tragedy, most Americans weren't directly impacted by it. As for the war in Afghanistan, it has failed. Al Queda has not been defeated, Osama has not been caught, and nothing positive is coming from our being there. Americans aren't safer today because of our actions over the past seven years. As tough as it may be for you to accept, the world goes on. Why do you expect the news to continue to cover events that occurred more than half a decade ago? That isn't news. As much as I hate to say it, you need to get over it. If Americans have reached the point where 9/11 and the wars over seas no longer preoccupy our thoughts and actions I say that is a good thing.

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