
Do you feel?

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Do you feel that being a pilot is the best job??

Also, what other pilot jobs are there other than flying for airlines?

I know of the obvious ones, time building jobs, but I mean as a career.....

thanks pilots!




  1. Yes, I do - feel that is...

    Oh, you were asking if I feel that being a pilot is the best job.  Okay, still yes. It doesn't pay great, sometimes, but it's definitely the best job I could ever imagine having.  Just don't do it for the money.....

    As a career, you could always fly for a corporation, big or small - just make sure you've got what they are looking for in ratings, certs, character, etc.

  2. I think it is the best job in the world, but that's me. You might not like it. You should take an intro flight to see if you do. Don't do it for money, you won't be happy. Most but not all have a love affair with flying.

    Other jobs, pipeline flying, test pilot, ferry pilot, cargo, charter,aerial photography the list could go on and on. The Air Force is not bad but I personally think Navy pilots are the best.

    Bye the way many pilots make a living instructing so don't look at it just as time building. It depends on what you enjoy doing. I knew a person that made a good living flying pipelines and was home every night, some would call that a time building job. A career is what you make it or not.

  3. Yes, a airline pilot is a awesome job.

    You can be a cargo pilot, air force pilot, navy pilot, fighter pilot, helicopter pilot, flight instructor, corporate airline pilot private airlines pilot  (like John B flew for) Keeps on going.....

    All people think about is a plane getting hijacked. After 9/11 that's all you hear about... No Hijacking does not happen on a daily basis.....With all this new fancy security, we probably wont see one for a while...

  4. Not sure if its the best job because with the hijacking and everything, it's risky.  They do make good money though.  Doctors can make more but they have the risk of getting sued too. As a career, there are the ones that fly for the military, or the ones that do the tours, or the ones that teach new pilots how to fly (???, not sure if they are counted as one though)

  5. Been a pro pilot for forty years. What I really wanted to do was play third base for the Yankees but I could never hit a curve ball.

  6. its not "the best" but "one of the best" jobs


    The best part is being payed to do something you love to do.

    You get to go to work... and not have to.

  8. What do you mean 'other jobs'?

    DUDE! Airforce flying!! Maybe its just me, but ever since i knew the word aircraft, speed of sound and high G manoeuvres, i had always wanted to be a fighter pilot. It's a job like no other!! and it IS a career. You don't do it for fun bro.

    I've a PPL and been on a S211 trainer before and god i tell you i thought i had been to paradise. AND TO THINK ITS JUST A TRAINER! The freedom you get in the air and the world around you between the clouds are in your hands and throttle. You dont just carry people around and feel that landing is the hardest thing! Where flying is no longer bout flying but situational awareness and teamwork together with a little bit of ********* and fame will make u feel your life is well spent. Think about it =] but either way, i hope u found what u really wish for and good luck! =]
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