
Do you feel recent immigrants are getting preferential treatment?

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Do you feel recent immigrants are getting preferential treatment?




  1. Of course immigrants are getting preferential treatment, how many British people do you know can go to another country, get free housing, free medical, collect benefits for their children back home, find a job pay the taxes but claim them back once they have gone home putting nothing into our economy... But hey we have to be politically correct here... We also have to give up our religious beliefs to accommodate theirs and now in the media it says we are going to embrace their laws as well....So yes and I say this FAIRLY..... I believe if you emigrate to a country you should embrace their way of life instead of trying to impose on them yours....

  2. YES!!!!!!!!!!!

    and it pisses me off.

  3. TOO d**n RIGHT THEY ARE..!!!

  4. Yes, i have worked some 28 years and wouldn't even have a roof over my head without a bit of ducking and diving and creative accountancy, lol.

  5. how??

    no i dont think they are they come to this country and get treat wayyyyyyyy worst like if they have done some sort of crime to ruin the united states.

  6. Have been for awhile now, that's the liberal way s***w Americans just as long as someone is getting something for free it's OK

  7. Not necessarily, no. My husband is an immigrant and has to work twice as hard as his English colleagues just to be on a par with them. Very often they are skiving and messing about but he just keeps his head down and does his work. My husband doesn't get any preferential treatment at all.

  8. If you look at past history of the subject NO I don't.

  9. Absolutely Yes, especially illegal immigrants who are "above the law" due to the "sanctuary city" provisions.  Check out the mortgage defaults which were facilitated by reduced paperwork loans and special consideration loans promoted by Governor Rod Blagojevich and Senator d**k Durbin and Congressman Luis Gutierrez and others.  Obama has done nothing to ensure that illegal immigrants are properly punished for their law-breaking.  In Fact Chicago Alderman Munoz's father was just found guilty of providing false identitifications to illegal immigrants and others and even he will get preferential treatment because he's only looking at about 5 years in jail.  In my opinion, his actions jeopardize our National Security and he should have been tried under the terrorist acts.  That being said.  I have NO problem with legal immigrants -- those who are willing to do what it takes to come to the USA legally, learn English, pay their own way and generally live law-abiding lives, appreciating the opportunities instead of "stealing the opportunities" like the illegals do.

  10. No

  11. Nothing recent about it - its been happening for a while now.

  12. In the north of Ireland h**l yes, i had to take my missus to the dentist last week because she cracked the crown of her tooth and was in agony luckily we got an emergency appointment.  In the waiting room was 2 immigrants wearing designer clothes could barely speak a word of English getting NHS cards.  I had to run up to the bank and get cash out before the dentist would even treat my missus.  Were both on a low wage both paid our national health contributions our whole lives and we had to pay for emergency treatment for pain relief.  Seeing how the dentist took in foreigners on NHS i had him treat the pain then i booked her into a fully private practice for the full treatment.  Seeing how we were going to pay anyway may as well go private to a proper dentist and not some shark.

  13. "well try walking into your local council offices and asking them to house you. if your a white British person you go right to the bottom of the list"

    The oft repeated myth about council housing and migrants jumping the queue is utter bollocks.

    As usual, in your view, only white people can be British. Did it ever occur to you that those getting council housing are non white british citiziens?

    Immigrants dont get preferential treatment, the tabloids are experts at scaremongering about their so called preferential treatment. The reality is they struggle just like everybody else and are subject to the same laws as us Brits.

  14. 10x better than they get treated in their own country obviously whats with these sanctuary city's protecting illegals even ones that commit further crimes after they enter here illegally.

  15. Send em to Gitmo

  16. Sure they are, and if Obama gets in it wil get worse for the citizens.

  17. well try walking into your local council offices and asking them to house you. if your a white British person you go right to the bottom of the list. my daughter has been on the list for years. every time a new batch of immigrants come in she slips further down the list. and they say they don't give them preferential treatment. bulsh*t!! they don't. our local council estates are loaded to the hilt with immigrants. half of them don't even speak English. all the labour party are good for is lies and deception. they are the most socially destructive government we have ever suffered in this country.

  18. They've taken our freedom away, YES....110%.

  19. Yes they are,just two weeks ago a migrant asked me to check his payslip that it was correct.We get the same wages but he pays half the tax that i pay/

    Anybody says thay don't get preferential treatment is talking rubbish.

  20. Yes!!

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