
Do you feel safe in your own home, do you keep the doors locked even if your home. I need to start after?

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  1. not like i use to i have a french door in my room and i use to leave it open night and day whether i was home or out but in the past year i have been locking my doors no matter if im home or out crime is on the rise and is only going to get worse

  2. no i dont feel safe, but then again what can i do? i am poor, i cant afford security locks alarms, and even if they break in they dont have much to steal anyway

    if anyone really wanted to break into my basement, all they need is a strong shoulder, and im sure my weakass door would give in

  3. here in Mississippi we used to keep our doors open all the time. the times are a changing

  4. I never lock the doors of my home nor do I my car.  I see it this way if they want my car or want something from my car I would much rather them just take it then shatter my windows.  Material things are replaceable but a flipping window is expensive.  Also, Im a tough chick so if someone dares enter my home...they will have a rude awakening!

  5. I feel as safe as I can. i have been mugged twice this year

    walking home from the licoure store. it sucked I lost my

    Stolies vodka both times...    Living in fear of what the future has instore for you is no way to live..

       i lock my place with the best dead bolts and window locks

    that is all i can due if some one wants in to cause harm to you

    they will find A way in and that is the SAD TRUTH about it.

  6. As long as I live on earth I will keep my doors closed even if I am at home. There is not safe place on this planet except heaven.

  7. I live in a nice neighbor hood but i keep my doors locked and at night i triple lock them.. cant be to safe.I live in Mississippi also..  and if somebody breaks in and i hear them they will have to answer to a 16 gauge shotgun..

  8. i never lock my doors...i have a shepherd/chow and a blue heeler/australian cattle dog that will deter anyone from messing with me...

    they are very protective of me..

  9. me too 9mm keeps me safe...not to mention knives and the belief that I will have no problem using them

  10. it depends on your neighborhood. If you live in an unsafe enviornment then lock your doors when your home its way better to be safe then sorry... You can always get up and unlock them if someone is at the door

  11. I don't lock our doors in the daytime, only at night when we are ready for bed. We live in a quiet neighborhood within the city.   I know everyone here since I grew up here and know neighbors look out for each other.

  12. I feel safe in my home as it is heavily insured by Smith & Wesson.  I only have 50 guns in my house.  I only keep the doors locked because I don't want any of them stolen while I am not at home.

  13. UP till about 6 months ago I had never locked my doors then a bunch of little brats went through our small town and did a lot of damage plus went into houses. Now I lock my doors and I hate having to do it because some kids didn't learn to respect others.

  14. I use to no lock my doors but now I do we have to many people and that means that  the potential for one of them being a thief is

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    Not in my favor so I also have a dog and protection to defend myself and family with not a gun either

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    I am an expert trained Navy Seal military knife thrower and have a very impressive  collection of knifes I carry one with me on my belt in plane sight and have a couple placed in strategic places in the house

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    I have trained my grandsons how to throw a knife also and they can hit a playing card at 10 paces

    80% of the time

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    No brag just fact

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  15. Yes, I feel safe at home, I have a large collection of guns, with all kind of ammo. I dont worry about a thief suing me for being injured, because if they come into my home they will be more than just injured! If they break into your home shoot, ask questions later! Yes, all my guns are out of the reach of children!

  16. Alarm is set always and lights are left on at night and yes pray a lot. What is sad is that even if you r robbed and beaten and you injure the theifs you can get sued by them and they go after your home owners inc $$$$$$$$$$!!..go figure!! Nothing is sacred anymore!!!

  17. I have a stocker! he used to be my friend , but i knew he got a crash on day i got him trying to take my keys and I fisnish the friendship!after that was horrible! he used to get inside my house, cut sheets, clothes, pieces of my furniture e stoled things! nobody believed in me! I was so paranoic, that I spend lots of money, buying surveillance stuff e new locks!

    finally I wake up and I bough a digital lock with alarm!

    now I can sleep better !but he still cames sometimes in my yard and destroy things!

    I could kill him if i catch!

  18. Yes I feel totally safe. I live in the state of Maine and I live in the country. Crime isn't a problem here. There is crime but it's not that bad. We don't lock our doors and we Leave the windows open at night for the breeze.If someone did break in I have a nice 24" Hunting Knife waiting to meet them and many other things I can grab in a hurry. unless they have a gun they are taking their own lives in their hands if they break into my home. I'm a big guy and I'm not afraid of Physical confrontation.

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