
Do you feel safe walking around your neighbourhood after dark?

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unfortunately I don't feel at all safe walking around after dark




  1. yh everybody knows everybody

  2. yes but I make sure I am aware of my surroundings and I have found that if you come across dodgy looking youths it is best to say hi to them as if they were normal fellow members of the civilised human race.So Far I have had no trouble with them.

  3. Yes.!!..Living in Northwest London thats a surprise..=} I'd lost my phone while play fighting without even realising i'd accidently dropped it. A strange man then calls up my house,insisting he'd found my phone and rang up ''dad'' which later we had to collect.  

  4. i feel safe as anything and i live in hull

  5. Not always... but I always remind myself that God is with me!

    and hey, what's with the thumbs down? aren't I in titled to my own opinion?

  6. h**l naw>>> even kids got guns now a days

  7. lmao by myself h**l no

  8. Yeah, All the people that carry the knifes get themselves beat up by my neighbours.  

  9. Yes. Where I live, the worst thing that could happen is you get offered a beer by a neighbor and end up getting wasted at their house.

  10. only if im pissed.  

  11. no I don't.  There are too many Chavs and hoodies lurking about

  12. Absolutely, i would walk by myself anytime with out any hesitation.

    I live in San Diego, CA (Hillcrest)

  13. Yeh, my neighbourhood aint too bad. Then again i'm mostly walking my German shepherd after dark.

  14. I do feel safe!, actually i do it many times a week, its a safe place here!... :)

    I know some others places are not... its alright , some places are dangerous!..

  15. Yes I do I have even went into my local park at midnight.

  16. when ive got my switch blade

  17. Very !!!

    People in my Neighbourhood no better than to mess with me..

  18. I live in a small borough outside Manchester. I'd never walk around Manchester on my own at night, but I'm not fussed about most parts of my village.

  19. Good God, NO!!!

                                 We have no street lights in the tiny Cornish village I live in, so it's pitch black. It's not people that scare me................It's BATS!!!!!

  20. I don't think it's safe to walk anywhere after dark, where i live seems safe enough but i'd stick to street lighted areas and cctv would be a bonus.

    Luckily i can drive so don't have to worry about that too much, how about you?

  21. yes

  22. Yes because I am very very hard.

  23. No way! Police are always running up and down our street!!

  24. Do it all the time to walk the dog, but no place is 100% safe.  You just have to keep aware and be prepared as much as you can.  On the otherhand -- if you live where shootings occur often (maybe staying inside after dark is a smart thing to do).   Walker beware!

  25. Yes. Only skittish WASP's are afraid to do so in my neighborhood. There isn't much more in the dark than there was in the light.

  26. Nope, i very rarely walk on my own at night, im just grateful I have my car!

  27. i live in north east london (hackney), and walking around after dark is something i do everyday. when your numbers up your numbers up! you shouldn't avoid going out in fear of something bad happening.. if i did that id be stuck inside 24/7!

  28. I live in a small town in southern North Carolina and I don't even feel safe walking down my street after dark. There are too many other teenagers around here.. but they're the kind that like to smoke, do drugs, carry around weapons and the like, not to mention we have no street lights so it's basically just really dark so I don't feel safe.

    When I go stay with my dad on weekends though I like walking around his neighbourhood after dark though because it's a nice, caring community and there are quite a few other teens there but they're usually like me and don't want to so much as touch drugs, alcohol or guns and c**p.. and they have lots of streetlights. :D

    I always carry my pepper spray/mace/whatever you'd like to call it though because sadly it's still hard to trust people with the way the world is now. D:

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