
Do you feel safer than last year?

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'The annual crime report for 2007-2008 reveals the longest recorded period of falling crime - down 48% from 1995'




  1. UK has 700 murders per year.

    NYC hs 500 murders per year.

    Let's get this into perspective shall we.

    Yes.  In fact I feel far safer now than when I was a child growing up in WW2 London.

    Until you've actually been in an air-raid - just don't even think of trying to tell me London is a dangerous place.  

    Londoner. . . . .

  2. No!

  3. Yes I feel safe. The numbers don't lie.

  4. No !

  5. No I do not feel safer than last year.

    In fact I feel more vulnerable & more likely to be a victim of crime.

    Same as hospitals manipulate & fiddle figures for these Targets, we all know full well the Police CAN & do the same.

    as not reaching the Targets means a cut in funding.

    no-one wants that, do they?

    smoke & mirrors.

    Just because they tell us things are wonderful doesn't make it so!


    Is Ms Smith hiding in here, somewhere?........

    see second link below.


  6. Those figures have been 'gently massaged' I think. There is so much concern with anti-social behaviour and knife and a lot of people - myself included - are scared to walk the streets once it gets dark. So no, I don't feel any safer than last year.

  7. Not really, I know many people who just do not bother to report crime anymore.

    new labour's figure have never added up before, so with their target driven bureaucracy I don't see why this report might be right considering all the errors in the rest of the data.

    Reclassifying some crime as anti social behavior rather than a crime helps to reduce the figures.

  8. Wasn't the gun ban imposed in 1997? What relevance would the 1995 figures have? I suspect this might be an occasion of confusing causation and correlation; there are any number of possible reasons for violent crime to decrease (in spite of the increase of attacks against the police). The fact that it changed doesn't point to a specific cause unless you can rule out all other factors. The fact is, when law-abiding citizens are disarmed they are simply unable to defend themselves against those who are willing to violate the law.

  9. I still feel the same.

  10. I don't feel any more or less safe than last year.

    Police crime figures are not very accurate and merely reflect police activity, if the police target drugs then drug crime will go up, if they target domestic violence then violent crimes will increase and likewise with recorded knife offences.

    Furthermore recorded crime is made even less accurate due to double counting, whereby one violent crime can mean being charged with numerous violent offences, leading to a gross over exaggeration of police recorded crime figures.

    Over half of British Violent Crime involves no injury to anyone what so ever, and recorded violent crime includes verbal threats, intimidation, harassment, common assault and a whole host of other trivial offences. The vast majority of the rest of British violent crime is also trivial, with only a tiny proportion of overall recorded violent crime being deemed serious in nature.

    Sir Ian Blair Commissioner of London's Metropolitan Police recently made a highly critical speech regarding the recording of London knife crime figures with a stabbing with a needle or even a cocktail stick being defined as a knife crime. The same is true of other crimes, with definitions being far wider than in many other countries and recording being far more comprehensive.

  11. wise man once said

    crime figures are a bunch of c**p

    cant argue with facts?  lol as david icke said, ive got a nice seafront property in switzerland if youre interested?

    of course, the fact that the way crimes are recorded, or a million other variables, mightve changed, has no bearing on anything

    "facts" told us iraq had WMDs

  12. Knife attacks,street crime,burglary according to statistics are down.

    Then why all the deaths,why the hysteria.

    This government have told the same lies over and over again.

    When will they realise we cannot be fooled anymore.I dont care really who is in charge just do something that will not make us feel safer but will actually make us safer.

    In the meantime just take sensible precautions and hopefully we wont become a statistic.

  13. I`m guessing that this is not the case with violent crime and murders.   Probably the major factor in this reduction is lesser crimes, because people just don`t bother to report them as they know nothing will get done.   If your car is vandalised or your garage is broken into, when you report it the police don`t even bother to come round, they just give you a crime number so you can claim on insurance!   I`ve just done some research into crimes of murder.   From 1960 to 1965 in the UK there were 1449 murders.   Hanging was stopped in 1964.   From 2000 to 2005 there were 4447 murders in the UK.   More than treble!   Yet if you mention bringing back hanging, you get shouted down.   Hanging is a nasty business, but so is murder.

  14. Nope, not at all. I feel even more vulnerable because of our government. With the type of people we hang with, it's a hot topic. None of us feel safe. If you can install google earth and have a complete picture of my home, imagine what the government can do.

    It scars the c**p out of me!

  15. I don't feel any more or less safe to be honest.

    Good fact though.  The papers make out like we are living in a lawless society.

  16. Yes I do

    You can't argue with the facts.

    Just because the tabloids hype a few isolated incidents doesn't mean there is an epidemic.

  17. with all the knifing going on how is it safer,!!????

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