
Do you feel sometimes that your life is useless?

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Cause I do lately.

I was inlove with someone for years, but we never were togheter.

I was living with the hope that one day things will work out, one day I will be wise and brave enough.

Cause I felt that I definitly had a chance if I got my stuff togheter.

But I will never see him again, this is a fact. I have not in almost 2 years.

And I cannot hope anymore, I am so tired, every morinig feels useless...

I cant get over him, every new guy i like only reminds me of him even more.

So, has anyone ever felt like this here, like tomorrow was useless for any other reason?




  1. I used to say I felt like a couch.  I was only sitting there in the room taking up space and using oxygen.  I was so depressed!  I have a son, and always tried to put on a good face in front of him so that he didn't see how sad I was.  Then one day it hit me.  There is no one else that can change my life but me.  I know this seems so logical, but I was so down, I couldn't see that!  So I set goals that I could reach.  I couldn't rely on my husband, or son to make me happy, and change what had depressed me so badly.  I had to do this on my own.  After I started reaching those goals, and putting a positive spin on everything, I started coming out of my rut.  My son said to me one day, "Mama, I'm so glad your smiling and happy again."  These kids see it, even when I didn't think he did.  

    I know this is going to hurt, but you know it's true... You have got to let this guy go.  If he can't see how special you are, then he is the one useless not you!  I know when your down you can't see that but we all have purpose in this life.  You have to find yours.  A man does not give you purpose.  Even the good ones out there.  You have to find that inner strength and get up and get going.  For a while you may have to fake that inner strength and happiness, but eventually it will be there, and you will wonder where it came from, and realize you don't have to fake it any more.  

    Some times you love someone so much, but you can't make them love you.  As much as it hurts you just have to move on from that.  If you feel worse when dating others, then don't date.  Take this time to set some goals and work very hard to achieve them.  Then once you are raised up and more steady on your feet then try to date.  Your going to have to get rid of EVERYTHING that reminds you of this guy.  I'm sorry you are going through this and I wish you all the best.  One day you will find that guy that is going to be there for you and treat you like you should be treated.  "this too shall pass."

    Good luck!

  2. Yea, I've felt like that before, and recently my life has started to get better, and I know that's what everyone says, but don't worry, because it will get better. Just wait and see :)

    Good luck ox

  3. I Used To Feel Like That All The Time But It Stopped When I Met My Current Boyfriend... I Gave Up On My Guy In The End And Jus Put Him To The Back Of My Mind Tried To Forget ABout Guys And Jus Get On Wit Life For A Lil While Till I Was Ready Thats When I Met My Current Boyfriend It Was So Unexpected Hed Been In My Life For 2 years Already I Jus Needed To Forget The Other Guy And I found My Mr Right Hope Everythin Turns Out Good 4 u Like It Has 4 me

  4. Yes I have felt this way and I wasted two years of my life sulking time I could have spent else where.

    Look if it was meant to happen it will happen things take time sometimes longer than we want or expect but if you both were meant to be with one another some how some way life will bring you two together. Love is patient, and I know that you feel bad every time you wake up in the morning and realize that you aren't exactly where you want to be in life but the more you think about it the worse you will feel. Spend time with your friends live your life you will find the best things in life happen when you are not expecting them.

    When you love your life it makes it easier for people to love you.

    Right now live in the moment do things that you always wanted to do try new things because really life is way too short to be living in a hole of depression.

    Don't start dating until you know that you are ready, when the right person comes you will know just dont waste your life away waiting for something you know may never come, who knows maybe while you are enjoying your life HE will come back in your never really know what may happen life is so unpredictable!

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