
Do you feel sorry for Jenny's grandmother ?

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On hearing that her elderly grandfather had just passed away, Jenny

went straight round to visit her grandmother. When she asked howher

grandpa had died, her gram explained, "He had a heart attack during

s*x on Sunday morning."

Horrified, Jenny suggested that shagging at the age of 94 was surely

asking for trouble. "Oh no," her gran replied, "we had s*x every Sunday

morning, in time with the church bells - in with the dings and out with

the dongs."

She paused, and wiped away a tear. "If it wasn't for that d**n ice cream

truck going past, he'd still be alive."




  1. Suzie this one made me laugh.  I am sorry but I am going to perhaps  lower the tone for a moment.  In the 60's the powers that be would tell us that rock n roll music was bad for us.  Well in some cases it was as some couple played music in their cars while they were being friendly (to use a polite word).  I have lost count of the  times a wedding was brought forward because the bride was pregnant and the reason was fast music in the car!  Not me though, I was like you I was a good girl.  (did you notice that sometimes good girls did not have as much fun?)

    Your joke still made me laugh.

  2. Yeah! She still lost her husband!

  3. HA HA!! LOL!! that is funny, I love it!  

  4. awe its the way you tell them,you are a star and cheer me up no end thanks Suzie your a wee star x

  5. Thanks to you , I now wear depends when reading your questions. hahahahahah

  6. Ha ha ha, Oh, I mean Oh dear, how terrible! lol

  7. this is one I will have to share with the brothers.  thanks for the laugh Suzy.  

  8. Suzie, I love you ! !  Everyone asks me where I am getting my jokes from, and I tell them :This beautiful new friend I met on the internet ! "

    Keep 'em coming sweetheart . . . .

  9. yes

  10. Suzie - this is way over the top - thanks for a great laugh!   My sides still hurt!           Have a star.             CJ

  11. lol ... Around here, the ice cream man plays, "When the Saints Go 'Marching' In" (and out) ... hmmm ... I would have thought it was out w/ the dings and in w/ the dongs?

  12. Actually it is rather an old one and I heard it with a fire engine going past which makes more sense

  13. Tee Hee

  14. Oh, my!

  15. A very good 'un

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