
Do you feel sorry for Obama's girls?

by  |  earlier

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If one of them steals another childs crayons at school the media will rip her apart for it. Everything they do will be on the 10 o'clock news!




  1. Obama had nuthing to dowith palins family and its crazy to think his girls should have to go thru sumthing similar because if it. He himself said let the poor womens family alone. It has no relivence to her politicly. So why cant we, as his supporteres do the same?

  2. Absolutely not. They are the product of two very smart people and if such should occur. they will be dealt with one or both of their parents.

  3. I do.  They better not have teen pregnancies, for the love of Pete!

  4. Obama's little girls are quite alright , always under the protective wings of their mother.  Do no harm to them!

  5. No

  6. i hope he can get a taste of what palin and her family have been going thru with the bs about bristol being trigs started with his camp

  7. No, I dont feel sorry for them because they are not being harrassed like Palin's are.  

  8. Yes it will get 24/7 coverage asking if these are the family values that the parents have instilled in these youngsters, that is of course unless a couple of hurricanes dominate the media coverage for the day.

  9. um ok

    i feel bad for them because they might have to watch daddy tare apart the country  

  10. Yes because sad, pathetic people on this site have said some incredible unconscionable things about them and their mother.

  11. You have to understand the network.... Most of the networks are liberal.

  12. I think your trying to change the current media storm about Sarah Palin's daughter.  No one is thinking about Obama's little girls at the moment.

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