
Do you feel sorry for this girl or do you think her weight issues have been caused by her and her family?

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  1. I was in my local park the other day.A family walked by,looking happy and chatting,behind them,trailing,was their son.He was about 11/12 year old and must have weighed 15 stone.He could hardly walk,never mind run around like all the other kids in the park.They had obviously just been to the park shop as he was stuffing his face with chocolate as he struggled to walk.

    I felt like screaming at his parents.They may as well just inject fat straight into his heart and kill him quickly,instead of the slow death he will have if they don't take control.

    I think it's child abuse.Cruel and unjustified.

  2. well obviously her parents keep feeding her, if she can;t walk more than a couple of metres without getting tired then just surround her with water and healthy meals at meal time.

  3. Yes I do feel sorry for that girl and her mother.  The The girl has an eating disorder that is no less dangerous than anorexia. It is serious, and will kill her if she doesn't change her entire lifestyle.

    The article states she was comfort eating with her mother after the loss of her father so they both have eating disorders.

    mom's just isn't as interesting because of her age.

    I think what makes me most angry about obesity related mental illnesses and or addictions is other peoples reactions.. how they treat obese people.

    You know if she was addicted to cigarettes, alcohol, pills or even s*x/p**n..something that did not show on the outside the way obesity does...this would not have been of interest at all. It would be another day in the life of some sad teen and it never would have made the paper.

    I think it sad when we as nation shun people because they are physically unappealing when there are so many people running around that are truly ugly and sick on the inside and nobody seems to care about that.

    I wish her all the success and happiness in the world and I hope she learns a new way to live and cope with internal pain.

    I wish the same thing for her mom.

  4. That mother should be charged with child abuse.  Feeding a baby condensed milk?  What on earth did she expect to happen after that kind of start?

  5. I believe an addiction to food is as real as an addiction to any other substance, be it cigarettes, alcohol or drugs.  This girl is obviously a compulsive over eater and whilst she needs to lose weight fast, she also needs counselling or therapy of some sort.

    Her mother should be ashamed of herself.  When I was growing up we couldn't afford fresh fruit and veg but my Mum made sure we ate as healthily as we could afford to, we didn't snack and we got lots of exercise.  Overfeeding you child is just as bad as underfeeding them and is tantamount to child abuse.  Her mother has a responsibility to make sure her child is as healthy as possible but she doesn't seem to take that responsibility seriously.

    This poor girl is scared, but her addiction takes over that fear.  If her friends and family cared about her they would refuse to go and buy her junk food and make her eat healthily.  Cruel to be kind springs to mind here.

    I think it's shocking that a 15 year old girl can get to 33 stone and no-one has stepped in.  I hope she does well in America, and I hope someone with sense teaches her about will power.

  6. its everyones fault..

    her parents by not educating her as a child on food choices and they choose her food when she was younger

    hers, when she could see it was and was old enough to understand why dudnt she do something about it

  7. OMG she is 3 times the size of me. When I look around the world I also find greed hard to excuse.  

  8. i blame the parents... when she was young she obviously was larger than the other children. this would have been the moment for the parents to make sure that her diet was changed and her eating habbits were controller (when she didnt know better) rather than leaving her weight to spiral out of control.

    her weight and her eating habbits are awful and this can be down to nothing but poor educating from the parents.

    as a child i was made to eat all veg and all healthy things. i rarely was allowed sweets and cakes etc and looking back i am glad.

    poor girl, lets hope its not too late!  

  9. I feel sorry for anyone who is addicted. The addiction is running them, not the other way round.

    I seem to remember seeing a BBC special on this same young woman who, at that time, was trying to lose weight and succeeding.

    What happened?

    I wonder if she ever got the necessary counseling.

    There are 12-step programs for all sorts of addictions.

  10. She's only fifteen, this problem hasn't arisen overnight. It's so obviously bad parenting. I bet her parents are massive too so she just doesnt know any better.

    She needs some real help.

  11. she started to overeat to comfort herself and then as she got bigger she ate to block out the pain of the bullying, sure some of it is her fault but really its down to the person who is feeding her, she cant get to the shops on her own and buy all the c**p but at the end of the day she needs help badly and i think its shocking she isn't getting any assistance, at the end of the day there is more to this than just simply putting too much food in her mouth, i feel sorry for her, she has a massive battle ahead of her.

  12. The poor kid is 15, her parents should be making sure that she gets proper food, not processed rubbish, biscuits and stuff.  Having said that she is old enough to realise the harm so much junk is doing her.  I suppose in the end though she'll go the same way as a lot of other overweight people, go to the docs and have a gastric bypass or something.

    Don't get me wrong I'm not unsympathetic to her, I've had a constant struggle with my weight since I had my youngest son 33 years ago.  Before I had him I had no weight problem then suddenly I would pile weight on if I even looked at a bag of crisps, it's mostly a matter of willpower I don't always have it and the pounds pile on.

    Poor kid i hope she gets some help.


  13. There was a man in America that weighed 54.5 Stones and ate 10,000 calories a day


    He cut his calories down to 2.200 a day and lost tons of weight


    This girl only weighs a dribble of that weight and it does not tell what her diet in take of food was


    But still for some one in G.B. to be of this weight is a shock to me


  14. its her own fault for getting like that

    i love food and id eat all day if i could

    but i always make sure i do exersice to burn it off

  15. It's partly the family's fault, I mean, giving her condensed milk as a baby was only going to encourage her sweet tooth. But I don't feel sorry for her - she's supposedly "scared" for her health, but she gets her friends to sneak out and buy her junk food, and still gobbles down everything she can get her hands on every day? If she was so scared, she'd bloody well be cutting back and trying to help herself live longer, rather than making a cheap buck by selling her story to the newspapers.

  16. i feel very very sorry for her & hope that she will conquer this addiction in the camp that she is scheduled to go to. God bless her...shes only 15...

    i wouldn't really blame her family tho' she should have been fed healthy food as a child, her Mum clearly says that they could no afford it. Sometimes, its not just financial poverty that could have pushed them to this but emotional poverty. Her Dad's death for instance. Its sad & i hope she has a long, happy & healthy life ahead of her.

  17. Her parents are BIg too, it may be genetic.

  18. This is the parents fault and hwr own fault.  But looking at her mother i dont think intelligent decisions are high on their agenda.

  19. As a p*****n, her parents would have carried much of the responsibility for her condition. At fifteen, she has had the opportunity to make her own dietary decisions for several years and hence this is a clear case of self inflicted injury.

  20. Whoever has bought and cooked this food for her is to blame, although she is now old enough to take responsibility for herself.

    She says she gets up and watches TV, why not go for a short walk, getting longer as she gets fitter.

    Losing weight is not easy, her mother is also carrying a lot of excess, they both need to take a sensible look at their lifestyle.

  21. The fat map on there is interesting, as it's more common where they eat pasties.  

  22. why did her mum let her get so big???

    shes a disgrace

  23. she says it "partly her fault" wtf its all her fault.

    looking at the picture there is no healthy fruits. she is looking posing happily in the picture with a fork. she looks like she doesnt care

    of course you'll get fat eating all that rubbish - anyone knows that.

    you cant blame the government anything.

    maybe parents to blame as well for even letting her get so fat.

    did she want to be the world fattest teen so she can get money fo it???


    and how do they afford all that junk food. we dont even spend so much on junk because it would be unneccary waste of money, especially when food prices are going up.

    i dont feel sorry for her 1 bit.

    stupid fat cow - waste of NHS money, time and space

    these sort of people bring it all down to themselves and they look and blame anyone for their wrong doing and expect people to feel sorry for them.  Gggrrrrr

    This is not tragic as the headline says..more like pathetic teen, who doesnt seem to know whats bad and good for her body.

    harsh i know, but i dont care..maybe her parents should have been a bit harsh and maybe she wouldnt have been so fat

  24. I do not feel sorry for her at all cos common sense should tell you not to eat so much (ok we all have a pig-out now and again but you just know when to stop). I am just over 12 stones at the moment because I've not been eating properly lately and I can assure you I won't get to 13 stone never mind 33! I have started eating healthily and exercising again so hopefully it won't be long before I start losing some weight but when I look in the mirror now I don't like what I see so how the h**l does someone let themselves get THAT big!!  

  25. I feel very sorry for her. She has been brought up with terrible eating habits and has gone from bad to worse. Her mother is largely to blame, she is still a child under her care. You don't get to that size over night, she should have done something about her her daughter's diet a long time ago.

  26. Her parents are at fault but she is too because noone is forcing her to eat.

  27. If she was that worried, she would have done something by now. Weight loss is hard, but you have to want to do it, her friends should be more supportive and not sneak her food out, her Mum should have taken a tough love approach with her. Giving her that milk as a baby hasn't helped.

  28. I do feel sorry for her, it must be horrible for such a young girl to miss out on all her young years, but her mother has a lot to answer for, I wonder if there are any other family members, ie, Aunts/Uncles that could have helped in the early days, lets hope she succeeds in America.

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