
Do you feel stuck at the job you're in?

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I have a degree in human services and no one will give me a chance. It seems like I'll always be stuck being an administrative assistant! Does anyone else feel like this?




  1. Yep.  Everyone I know is at university and I'm stuck in a crappy job I can't stand.  It's so demeaning but I'm always trying for better jobs and  trying to get back into education.  I know I'll succeed of I put my mind to it.  The problem is the better jobs  and colleges are outside the city I am living in now and at the moment, I don't think i could afford to move.

  2. Unfortunately, you are the only one that can do anything about it. Keep looking, never give up. Nobody is going to crawl out of the woodwork and offer you a cushy job with the responsibilities you crave and a six figure salary. YOU are the only one that can do that! Just keep looking, that doesn't mean you give up on what you are doing now, but keep checking with hiring agencies and classifieds. Get a network going to see what is available in your area.

    Get going and Good Luck!

  3. I feel you.i am biting the bullet and going out to apply for another job soon.I have disliked this job for years......

  4. I am the opposite: I adore my job, the company for whom I work, and the people with whom I work, but I work for a very small company in a very competitive field.  We're struggling to find solid financial ground, and we might be looking at losing the business if certain things happen....I'm wishing my position was more secure!

  5. Your training will pay off one day. For now, be happy you are one away from the top. There are times when you will have to wait for the person standing in your way to quit, move on, or be terminated to get their position. Think about all those people outside your office door who are thinking the same thing and would die to have your job.

    You can always update your resume and apply for a better job or go over your Supervisors head and apply for a higher position within your company. At any rate, the grass is always greener on the other side until you are there and have to mow it.

  6. I was stuck in retail for a long time. While my classmates in business school had promotions and raises waiting for them, I didn't even get a "congratulations."

    If you can't move up in the system, then leave the system. Join a new company or even a new line of work. If you're really daring, you may even consider going into business for yourself. Read the career guide "What Color is My Parachute" by Nelson Bolles. It will help you figure out what to do.

  7. YES!!!! I feel your pain!

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