
Do you feel superior to others here in the paranormal section?

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If you dont believe in anything having to do with anything paranormal, why do you insist on being here.Do you feel like your smarter, better educated. Science is supposed to be open minded about any subject, yet a lot of you quote science and are so closed minded about everything that has to do with the paranormal. I admit, I find certain aspects hard to believe myself. But I went from being a skeptic to believing because I have had activity happen around me.

I could argue with you that evolution is pure theory, to show me unequivacle proof, and you cannot do it. Evolution has never been proven, its just an accepted theory. Science is still looking for the proof to this moment.

Science says there was a Big Bang to start the universe, but they cant say what caused it, therefore its just a theory. Its accepted as fact yet there is no proof it happened.

So why so closed minded about anything paranormal




  1. Foolish mortal human! Of course I'm superior!

    Just kidding. I agree with you. Some do yahoo answer to pass time and some like bothering certain groups of people with certain beliefs. Kind of like those who bash on music, sexual preference, and race.

    People are always going to have something to say so why let it get to you?

    Tell them to kiss your paranormal...

  2. First of all, I just have to say that I'm a believer, the paranormal world has more than proved itself to me. But here's my thoughts on this:

    It's all a matter of belief, and when someone believes something strongly, you're not going to convince them otherwise. It's a waste of breath and energy to try. Rather than let it get to you, move on. I respect every one's beliefs, I will never tell you that your belief is wrong. I will however, tell you that I don't believe the same thing. I don't even mind people telling me they don't believe the same as I long as they don't insult me while they're doing it. Don't tell me I'm insane or full of ****. Just simply disagree. I just wish everybody had that much respect for each other.

  3. people want you to believe what they believe it makes them right. have you read sylvia browne's books they are great if you have any questions.

  4. good answers from does make it hard to talk about paranormal when others come along and just slamm on everything we say...but instead we should try and understand what goes on...i know some questions are a bit out there...anyway i do enjoy coming into here now, i do feel a different vibe from skeptics, a better one than before...

  5. My smarter?

    Do you feel like your brain?

  6. As I am sure you have noticed, I am a skeptic.  I do not feel in any way superior to the true believers on here.  The main reason for that is because I was once a true believer myself.  I was a true believer because there was no source of information, fact or opinion I had access to that presented the skeptical perspective.  I was a true believer because everything I read concerning the paranormal was presenting paranormal phenomena as fact.  I am here not to change the mind of the true believer, but to present the rational, naturalistic, scientific perspective on paranormal phenomena so those who aren't true believers can receive a well-rounded education.

    Science doesn't have a perspective on the paranormal.  Science is a process, not a person or a philosophy.  Science has examined paranormal claims and have found the evidence to be lacking.  Those phenomena that are not lacking in evidence, repeatability, falsifiability, etc. are by definition not paranormal.  If ESP showed strong evidence then it wouldn't be paranormal.  If ghosts were shown to exist they wouldn't be paranormal.  It's good to consider everything, but once it has been examined and found to be lacking in any supporting evidence there is no reason to go on studying it.

    Please stay away from mentioning evolution theory.  Your comments about "proof" of evolution are false.  There is a mountain of evidence supporting evolution.  By saying it's "just a theory" I am beginning to think you know very little about either science or evolution.

    Science in a nutshell: Observe event/phenomenon, etc.  Hypothesize about cause of event.  Use scientific method to explore hypothesis.  If invalid, scrap it and move on to next hypothesis.  If valid, study further and develop more data.  Both evolution, and to a lesser extent the Big Bang, theories have been subject to scrutiny, observation, attempts to disprove, etc.  Theories are based on fact and are altered when new facts are discovered through obervation and experimentation.

    "Nothing is impossible"

    There are plenty of things that are possible,  There are plenty of things that are possible but improbable and there are plenty of things that are impossible.  Saying that nothing is impossible is just flat out wrong.  Saying nothing is impossible is a practice in self-delusion.  I can understand wanting to think positively about things (and I support that can-do attitude), but to state "nothing is impossible" is just wishful thinking.

    It was not my intention to offend, belittle or insult with this answer, so please accept my apology if you are offended.

  7. Your premise that all things are possible is just wrong.To think that anything the human mind can conceive is possible.It's just wrong headed.For instance no human will ever fly.I mean unaided by some invention or device. I'll bet you can think of many other impossibilities.If you wanted to try

        When I answer a question.Most of the time it's not for the benefit of the asker.I hope that whoever reads it might see it my way.I know I'm not going to change your mind.Maybe someone else might see it differently.

       I honestly think most paranormal claims are silly.I don't say that to insult anyone.It is my opinion.I also think supernatural beliefs have a negative effect on society.In some parts of the world they are downright dangerous.People are still burned alive,diseases are spread.I could write all day how mystical thinking has helped destroy cultures.From our own Native Americans to ancient civilizations.Even now in  Africa and the Balkans.People are slaughtering each other.Would you say they are open-minded?When a witch in Africa is set on fire.Are the executioners being open-minded.After all it's possible  witchcraft is causing a famine.

       No I don't think I'm superior believers.Some I've talked with by E-mail.They may be smarter then me.I just think they are wrong.To their credit they mostly don't mind me telling them so.I know I don't mind hearing it from them.It's called a dialogue and it's a good thing.There are plenty of places you can go to talk about the paranormal.You won't find any argument there either.Not from me anyway.

  8. Keep an open mind - but not so open your brains fall out.

    Apply Occam's Razor (to the paranormal, to Big Bang and to evolution) and weed out that which cannot be (paranormal).

    As for my opinion of me - I'm so funny I amuse myself

  9. People are ignorant, they fear what they don't understand and close their incompetent minds. The open minded people are ridiculed and made fun of because the speak and believe incredible things, most people are sheeps they follow for instance with the big bang theory.

  10. I'm extremely open-minded to any credible evidence for the paranormal. It's just that I haven't found any yet, and I've been searching, believe me. I'm here because I happened upon it by accident, since these paranormal questions appear in the top-level Science & Math category, and then I found it to be fun to answer questions here so I stuck around.

    For example, you mentioned a couple common fallacies of science, and that's something I know about, so I enjoy answering this kind of question.

    In regards to proof -- science doesn't offer proof. It's a mistake to talk about the scientific method and "unequivocal proof". The scientific method is a falsification process, a negative process of paring away the hypotheses that failed to be predictive and keeping by default the ones that succeed. As such, the body of scientific knowledge that emerges isn't proven in any absolute sense, but rests upon a body of empirical work which provides very high probability for it to be correct. The corollary is that any scientific theory is open to revision and is not considered unchangeable "truth".

    Also, you mentioned "it's just a theory". In science, "theory" doesn't mean tentative. A theory is an explanation for something that has been repeatedly confirmed by observation and experiment. The Theory of Evolution is an explanation for something that pretty much every scientist regards as fact, that evolution occurred. The theory of gravity, according to Einstein's general law of relativity, is an explation for gravity which we know exists.

    EDIT: Well, I guess we'll disagree about that. I can think of many things that are impossible! Also, regarding superiority -- all of us have talents or aptitudes we're proud of. But life is bigger than that and people are very multifaceted. Nobody should feel superior or inferior to others based on their scientific knowledge or their paranormal ideas/experiences.

  11. I totally agree with you.  we get all of these "science" people saying it can't be true.  If they were real scientists they wouldn't be saying that, a real scientist and skeptic looks for answers and keeps an open mind.  I believe in the supernatural simply because I've had things happen to me that can't be explained but I don't know exactly what it is or what causes it, nobody knows for sure, but so many people around the world have these experiences, it has to be something, weather it be spiritual or something science might be able to explain some day.  Just because someone believes in science and reason doesn't mean they can't believe in the paranormal, I know because I love both.

    There are a lot of things scientists can't explain, for example, Laughter.  Laughter is illogical and scientists don't know where it comes from, but we Know that we laugh and have a sense of humor, so we don't disregard it and scientists keep studying.

    I know how you feel, but don't worry because I've heard more and more people are becoming more open minded about the paranormal.

  12. They do choose paranormal or alternate with their mouse on purpose but will not admit it, instead say they are searching the science category and run into all the paranormal stuff, which proves they are liars and baiters.

    LIghten up, though, it can all be fun.  They only are trying to get to you so don't let them. I say,"Don't feed the monkeys."

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