
Do you feel that Black People can be Racist?

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I'm sorry, this isn't Racist ?, not trying to offend anyone.

It seems that most Black people or people trying to insight something on here, keep pushing the Racist label.




  1. I don't 'feel'. I 'think' about issues.

    A racist is a person or group that supports people of one racial group to the exclusion of others not of that group.

    Yes, a black person can be racist. If that offends someone, I am not sorry.

  2. Yes, unfortunately, I have heard many.  There is no room in OUR country for racism, EITHER WAY !

  3. they are typically more racist then whites

  4. Racism is not a race issue, but a human issue.  Several recent events in Africa over the last 15 years or so have been related to the race issue by tribal racism(Rwanda). Japanese think Korean inferior,  Chinese think Mongolians inferior so on and so.  White America has been unfairly characterized for many years for the sake of power/wealth by the black elitists (Wright, Jackson, Al Sharpton).  Soon the regular black person will wake up, if they can break the liberal stranglehold on the educational system.  Education is still the key to freedom of the mind and economic freedom.

  5. yeah. there the most racist people of all. it gets annoying how sensitive they are too race when there racist as h**l themselves. come on now. BET. if there was ever a WET the world would go to end.

  6. Actually there's a whole school of thought that, by their definition of racism, insists that no minority member can be guilty of it. (As I recall, their definition includes criteria such as the person being the member of the group in power or something like that -- basically it comes down to, only white people can be guilty of racism, according to that school of thought.)

    I don't agree with it, but knowing that academia has furthered that perspective helps me understand where someone is coming from when they claim, for example, that X can't be racist because they're not white.

  7. Review this link if you may. Keep an open mind. Hopefully you will understand. It takes more than 100 years to change a way of living and thinking.

  8. Sometimes.

  9. Every ethnic group has racists.


  11. Any group can be racist .

  12. The moment you treat people differently according tot heir race - you are exhibiting racist behavior.

    If you apply a different standard for racism to black people as you do to white people - you are a racist.

  13. Racism can be brought on by any group,Ive been slandered on many occasions by Latinos and Blacks.Its just we cant cry foul and play the race card for being White.

  14. Oh yeah.  I've had to get into with a family member on occasion.  A rare occasion thankfully.

    Schazjmd:  You don't get it.  There's only one definition of "racism" doesn't vary from ethnic group to ethnic group.  You're talking about a relatively FEW people's opinion.

  15. LOL.  They have done it for years and will continure for many more.

  16. Yes. All ethnic-groups have racists among them.

  17. Black people can be racists and there are some that are racists.  The problem is that America seems to accept blacks being racists, as if it's OK because of history.  As long as there are black and white racists we will be somewhat divided in this country.  We have to declare that we won't tolerate such from any race.

  18. Yes. They must always identify themselves or be identified as African or Black.

  19. no..not racist because they are not in power to be racist.....blacks however can be guilty of bigotry most people confuse the definitions of racism and bigotry

  20. sometimes yes,

    but whites are sometimes too,

    as well as mexicans, or asians.

  21. you have to know the meaning of racism....racism is institutional and structured with the intent to oppress a certain group of people; so you must be in power to be racist but anyone can be bigots/and prejudiced

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