
Do you feel that Bush has gutted the Constitution?

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upwardga-overriding NATO. Disallowing our right to Privacy, etc. etc, etc.




  1. No he didn't. Everything he did is perfectly stated in the Constitution. And for the people bitching about the Patriot Act, read it. Congress had to sign that into law. This is one of the most important expressed/implied powers of Congress.

    Article I, Section 8:

    "Congrees shall make all Laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into Execution the foregoing Powers, and all other Powers vested by this Constitution in the Government of the United States, or in any Department or Officer thereof."

  2. No. I think that most of those who level such a charge have never ever read the Constitution.

  3. Have you been watching Countdown with Keith Olberman?

    Anyway, one example of how Bush has gone against the Constitution is that he declared war on Iraq. For those who actually know the constitution, the president does not have that power! Congress does! Not only did it violate the constitution, it violated international law.

  4. Yes, he has.  He's made too many amendments and has taken our freedom of speech away too and spyed on us a little too much.  Big Brother sucks big time.  I hope they read this too.  Our government sucks.

  5. NO. And I think we should spy on Americans to make sure they do not bash Him, arrest those who do and imprison them as enemy combatants with no recourse to the law!!! The "Constitution" is SO 9/10. This is POST 9/11!!!

    TORTURE them into confessions!

  6. Actually, he has done everything within the frame work of the Constitution. Had he not done that, don't you think the democrat would have built the gallows and hosted a necktie party for him??

    Also, if anything he did was illegal, it would drive a full impeachment of him and that has not happened.

  7. He may not have gutted it, but he has done a fine job of making it very weak!  We need to get back to following the Constitution as soon as possibe & never let this happen again!  This is what happens when people don't pay attention to what is going on in our government!

  8. I think when Bush said, "Stop throwing the Constitution in my face. It's just a Godda***ed piece of paper." It said everything about him.


  9. No

  10. Don't you realize that the Democratic Congess is in charge?

    Bushes powers are very limited.

  11. No, anyone that would think such a thing is more than just mentally ill, they are criminally mentally ill.  They don't know anything about the constitution or law.

  12. No.

  13. No. Name one 'privilege' that Bush has invoked that others haven't previously.

    Edit: Bush did not over-ride NATO. I realize you probably mean the UN, but he didn't do that either. The fact is that the First Gulf War didn't end in a peace treaty, but a conditional cease-fire. The key word here is conditional, for Saddam repeatedly violated the conditions agreed upon. The United States did not need approval of the United Nations to invade Iraq (though Bush sought it).

    Where right to privacy is concerned, it is more than likely that you aren't aware that virtually every president - starting with FDR during WWII, had massive surveillance programs. In fact, virtually every cable coming into or leaving the United States was monitored by the government throughout World War 2.

    The more you know, the more you know - you don't know.

  14. Parts of it, yes.

  15. Yes. He has trampled on the 8th amemndment on the prohibiting of cruel or unusual punishment as well as the US tradition of habeas corpus. They have infringed rights by using widespread wiretapping.

    His administrational also revealed the details of a CIA agent and then lied about it.

    The Bush administration has been a disgrace.

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