
Do you feel that McCain handed the Presidency to Obama with his VP choice?

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It was definitely a bold move. But to me It looks as if he just gave it away. I was swaying towards his side before the Palin move, but now I will wait to see what the debates bring. I have nothing against women in that position, but that's why Hillary didn't make it as the Dem's choice. I think this country is more ready for a black pres. more than a women. What do you think?




  1. No.. just the opposite... The hit squads have been busy from the moment of the announcement.. the blogs and those on forums (like here) have been working over time.. It shows that y'all are running scared.. otherwise why waste the effort?

  2. Yes.

  3. It calls his judgement into question.

    If he cannot properly vet a vp...You know the rest.

  4. Palin is not the only woman in the world whose kid has been knocked up. The mysoginistic views I have seen expressed here are just the reflection of how women are perceived and treated in a patriarchal society.

    Why is all the blame laid at the woman's feet? If I remember right, a pregnancy does not happen on its own. A man and a woman are needed for this, unfortunately the woman bears the burden of proof because she carries the developing proof of the union, so since her transgression is visibly apparent, then she becomes the brunt of comments like some seen posted here.

    Men on the other hand, actively participate in the conception of a new being, but now that their job is done (impregnation) they run away. That is not new in patriarchal societies, where men are cosseted and pampered and protected, and where women are second class citizens, therefore to be used, abused and discarded.

    This country is not ready for a change in the entrenched patriarchal patterns that have caused and continue to cause so much suffering worldwide. Guys prefer to see a black MAN in power, rather than a WOMAN, white or otherwise.

  5. It seems that way on YA

  6. No not really. I think she's energized the conservative movement. However it doesn't highlight any middle-of-the-road voters. McCain was aiming for the right on this one. I think his strategy is that he's maverick enough to carry that swing vote.  

  7. an argument could be made that it is the other way around, the election will tell, waiting am

  8. McCain is Obama's best friend.  

  9. No, he gift wrapped it then handed it to him.

  10. Yup,  It will defiantly show Mc Cain's lack of judgment.  No wonder Obama and Biden looked so happy last night.

  11. Yeah he completely did but dont count him out just yet.

    But i was just wondering why McCain did it ?

    Its more like

    Palin -20 months in public service in Alaska lol

    Obama - 4 yrs in the Senate


  12. Hillary did not lose because she was a woman; that likely helped her.  She lost because of her early vote to support the war, plus the distrust and "baggage" Bill brought.

    Bigotry will play a part in this race, but the effects of "giving it away" or McCain's shot in his foot might cancel that out.

  13. It all comes down to the individuals, not some arbitrary **** like race or gender. Grow up.

  14. No. Before, I was going to vote against Obama. Since McCain has selected Palin I feel that I am voting for McCain/Palin.

  15. That would be a definite YES.

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