
Do you feel that Nuclear Energy can reduce Co2 Emissions?

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I'm trying to get detailed arguments as to wether or not Nuclear energy is a good way to reduce Co2 emissions, how do you feel, please provide details, I will award best answer to the most informative answer, thanx!




  1. it is not a matter of how one feels. Nuclear energy doesn't use C02 and therefore cannot add to the level of C02 in the environment. The question on nuclear energy is whether if the US develops new Nuclear power plants they will be safe from terrorist attacks and safe from melt-downs (which happened at a power plant in Russia many years ago and the effects are still there years later today.)

  2. Nuclear energy creates electricity without any CO2 emissions.  Like hydro, nuclear is completely "clean" in regards to any air pollution.

    That is why environmentalists are between a rock and a hard place with nuclear.

    If global warming was really the end of the world as we know it, they would embrace the only proven off the shelf technology that would lower CO2 emissions guaranteed.

    If environmentalists don't embrace nuclear, then obviously global warming really wasn't that important to start with.

  3. There are no emmisions with Nuclear energy, and it unlike wind, or solar actuly works, so yes it is the best way.

  4. I know a lot of teachers that come to YA and search for their student's questions here.  Careful.

  5. Nuclear power generates as much power as 750 wind turbines 24/7/365 without producing any co2.

    Nuclear power could easily replace coal burning power plants.

    The waste from one nuclear power plant is very small.  The amount of waste from one reactor for one year would fit under your desk.

    So yes, nuclear power is a great option.

  6. Obviously, But it will leave you millions of barrels of radioactive waste to deal with. co2 is far better than radioactive sludge barried next to your watter source

  7. nuclear energy is much less co2 emmiting, it infact doesnt emmit any! so therefore if people used nuclear energy insead of fossil fuels then the world will practically be co2 free....

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