
Do you feel that a four year college degree should be a requirement for all police officers? more below

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Do you feel that a four year college degree should be a requirement for all police officers? What are some of the advantages and disadvantages of such a requirement? Do you think this requirement would change the public's opinion about the police?




  1. Yes!

    It will separate those who are really dedicated to the job from those who will take any job that comes along.

    Yes, it will improve public opinion. Too many police departments in my area are well known for only hiring people who have connections. This requirement will at least show that these people are semi qualified for the job.

    Many agencies in my area have hired people with criminal records, bad reputations, people who have failed the entrance exams, people who have failed the physical tests, and people who have used drugs because of who they knew or who they were related to.

    One agency kept a guy on the job even though he twice flunked out of the academy. They got around it by sending him to a much easier academy in another part of the state. This took several years and violated the law that said he must successfully complete the academy with 18 months of his original appointment date. This probably wouldn't have happened if he wasn't related to a city councilman.

    This type of corruption and favoritism is rampant in my area. It is very well known among the public and leads many people to distrust and dislike all of us. A degree requirement will stop a lot of this.

    It will also give us better educated and more mature officers.

    Downside - NONE!

  2. No I don't.  They are good for promotions but a college degree does not help you learn how to deal with the general public, or to think fast, or to shoot, or to keep in shape.  It wouldn't make them a better cop, it would only make them a more educated cop.  

  3. Ok, you are busted. I am telling the professor you have not researched your assignment. Yeah, I am going to rat you out. This is nothing but an opinion question, and you can't even complete this on your own.  This is the reason I get mad when I see others postings in class that are lame, and have no real thought of their own in it. Heck, I got accused of plagiarism on our last homework assignment because I overly researched it, and people like you will just slide by. Bet you do open book on your exams too. WEAK AND PATHETIC

  4. I think 4 years of intense phys-co analysis should be required to see what the persons deep seated reason for wanting to be a cop really is.

  5. Its mandatory at my dept. No degree-no job.  Like it or not.  

  6. Requiring college for any entry level job is ignorant. College is no guarantee of someone's character or personality and anyone with money can earn a degree. So to answer the question, no, it shouldn't be a requirement. A lot of departments require some type of college education though to keep the riff-raff from draining the resources by applying just because they were bored.  

  7. absolutely not!!! you can take every course in every college and not a single one can teach you common sense.if that ever becomes a requirement you will have depts full of educated idiots.the public does not know what the requirements are.for any phase of the dept. education is always good to have but should never be a requirement. as yourself the following question.had you rather have as a partner a person with a degree or a person with common sense. i will take common sense every time.i was a academy instructor for 12 years.

    ----------retired texas deputy sheriff----------

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