
Do you feel that being homeless?

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Is in most cases self inflicted or in most cases do to a situation beyond their control? I have always wondered?




  1. If it weren't for my sister, I would have been homeless when I lost my job. I live at her house because I could not afford my rent.

    I think there are as many reasons for being homeless as there are homeless. Some women have to leave because of abuse or violence and have no where to go. A lot of people who are homeless are mentally ill, on drugs or alcohol. Others, just were not prepared if they lost their jobs. A few will pass up oppurtunities and continue to live on the streets rather than get help. That might be pride, mental illness or any other factors. Most people with families do not choose to live on the streets. If a woman with kids does, she has a very serious problem either mentally or with drugs. I think the important thing is not to be judgemental. Many people are a few pay checks away from it themselves but may not even realize it.  

  2. I think that you can never tell so I never judge.

  3. I also think the homeless are about evenly split between those two reasons.  But, those who become homeless due to a situation beyond their control seem to have a better chance of recovering and getting off the streets or out of the shelters.

  4. It is a combination of both.

  5. I would say 50/50.

  6. the homeless that we all see....the wanderers, the streets beggars, the thieves....are mentally ill. it is mental illness that causes the common type of homelessness.


  7. Most of em ask for it.

    But i cant help feel sorri for them, but as i dont knw em i cnt help.

    And yerrh life in britain is not so easy so i would say sometimes it can be beyond ones control.

  8. While each case is different, i think if drugs or alcohol are involved, the situation could be bettered by walking away (by whatever means) from the addiction.

    I have been homeless before. Sometimes it is beyond your control.

  9. I have asked this of folks who have been homeless at one time or another. All of them said being homeless was the best time of their lives. Go figure. I would of never thought being that way would be enjoyable.

    The three folks I have spoken with said it was the most worry free time in their lives. They made necklaces or did hair wraps for money, bought cigarettes and slept on the beach. One guy told me the Krishna's would bring him food everyday. This guy said adjusting to a day job and having to pay bills was a very hard adjustment for him. He had to get a job when his mother fell very ill.

  10. Well from talking to a lot of homeless people I can give you my take on the situation. On occasion me and my friends will go visit the inner harbor of Baltimore and just walk around and talk to homeless people. A good few of them are fakes. I see this same couple walking around every few weeks and they come up to me and give me different BS stories and I expose them right there in front of everyone. A lot of the guys are pretty cool and have some good advice. Some people slipped up and admit its there fault and they are just so far down that its hard/nearly impossible to pull themselves up. One guy was telling me how he was going to just call his sister the next day and ask her if he can stay there and clean himself up a bit so he can get out and find a job as a roofer. Some guys just made stupid mistakes that finally caught up to them. A lot of these guys would use the opportunity's given to them by the local churches to help try to get them back on their feet.

  11. in truth, it is probably 50/50 chance. but it is my opinion that nothing is out of control if you put your mind to it with anything in life. A homeless can find ways to help himself in a society like in us (not sure about other countries-especially 3rd world countries, where there is overpopulation.)  There is a lot of welfare areas, where he can shelter to recover and then find a job. i think, most homeless people, even if they become homeless due to uncontrollable circumstances, they choose to stay in that position even if they could help them self at later date because they have lost the will to work hard.  

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