
Do you feel that corporations are justified in laying employees off while continuing to make a profit?

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why do you think this way?




  1. Yes, of course.  I mean it would suck being layed off for you doing nothing wrong, but a company must make money.   It is just a part of business.

  2. Corporations are in the business of Making Money, not just supporting anyone that needs it.  That is the job of religious organizations, and since the mid 1930s, the govenment.

         One example of layoffs that aren't corporations fault are Unions.  Unions ARE a business, and they take money from their members to fight with the corporations.  They fought the steel industry so automated advances couldn't be made and now the foreign steel companies can out produce us because they did automate.  The layoffs in that case were the fault of the unions and not the corporations.  Another are the Auto maker unions.  They hae a deal where if a person's job is done away with that he stays on the payroll and basically does nothing.  All of the deadwood causes the auto manufacturers to up the price on american cars beyond what many can pay.  That brings in the foreign automakers and eventually layoffs will come to Detroit.

         Also, if I can make $10,000,000 profit by working 60 hours a week and risking a bunch of it with the possiblility of failure, or I can make 7,000,000 by working 40 hours and not risking much at all..... I'll reduce in size and take the 7 million.  If the taxes on my business are 50% for the 10 million and only 20% for the 7 million, I'll reduce in size also.

         Economics isn't as simple as they make it out to be in the political speeches, and the money ISN'T the govenments to just give away like some want it to be.  If you think differently, look at what that sort of thinking brought to the former Soviet Union....they only lasted 70 years before they went broke.

  3. Maybe there's a good reason to fire those people - like, I don't know, they were lazy. Or maybe Hillary Clinton forced the company to pay more taxes, not realizing that corporations do not pay taxes; people do. When taxes are raised for a corporation, they either have to increase the price of their product or lay people off. By the way, increasing the price means that YOU pay their higher taxes.

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