
Do you feel that in today's world women are considered equal to men?

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Do you feel that in today's world women are considered equal to men?




  1. nowadays womens are not equal to man.

    because  they are equal to 2 men.

    womens do all the works very fastly and sincerly.

    nowadays they are very fast to reduce their dresses and very sincerly drink and dance in pups all nights.

    Its high improvements in their lifestyle......

  2. well i feel that men and women can never be equal on the same basis.But if we take all the catogories then we can say that they r equal.Examply ,a man is more strong than women and women can love more than guys.In each catogory the speciality is different but all in all they r equal.

  3. No i dont think that women are considered equal to men

    The person here named genius doesnot even know the spelling of genius and is pointing a finger on women's achievements.

    In our country women are not given chances equal to men. our society is male dominating. And male never accept that women are equal to men. If a woman earns more than her husband then it is sure that male will feel jealous and will become egoist. My friend genius is wrong in saying that women out number man there is very low male female ratio in India. And if women say I want to marry arich person men are not far behind they also want a life partner who is rich And i am wrong in saying that men want a life partner they actually need a person who takes care of them and demand no sallary in return.

    I must say that if women are given equal oppurtunities like men have then women can go far ahead than men.

  4. If you believe you are a soul packaged in a women's body and you have grabbed every opportunity to enlarge your brain, your mind, and have used it well, in the best interest of all...a woman is not considered equal to men...she is better.

    The numbers may be small, statistically....but statistics are nothing to really serious people. A serious woman is far better than ordinary gentlemen.

  5. Women are treated better than men nowadays. They have more rights and more support in society.

    I do not think it is fair on males. I think we, as women, should now put forward a movement for both sexes to be equal, rather than be selfishly pleased with our higher rights and support.

  6. No.

    There isn't a limit.

    I think feminism is good and women should remain strong

    in are society. Fight against men and win your right to abortion.

    Set an example for the rest of the world.

    Being a competitive guy myself i know how some men can think, especially the one's who write the laws.

  7. Yes women are equal, they have all the same rights as men but u cant compare men and women in all circumstances.

    In sum men are inferrior and in sum circumstances women..u can even name those situations...u can come over it in daily life.

    I think women are superior than men in many wayzz especially in the world today!!!!


  8. Women currently have a significantly lower median income than men in the United States. "In 2006, women earned 77 cents for each dollar earned by men, statistically unchanged from 2005".

    This is an injustice in my opinion, and one example of a situation where women are not equal. Imagine what it's like in Middle Eastern and Asian countries for women.

  9. Do you feel that in today's world women are considered equal to men?

    forget this today women are far ahead then their male counter part...and very conditionally too that is if a girl child is given proper start up at her young age she surely leads a head and proves far much better then men.

    all depend upon how one is brought up..sort of.!

  10. Women's are considered more than equal to men in today's world.

    Women's are been treated as GOD in today's world, which they dont even deserve.

    These kind of things makes me and many others hate women's allot.

    My personal opinion. . .


  11. Yes,today women are considered more then equal to women are very keen to grow in respective way.They need to show their intellectual abilities in the progress of family and society.It IS very essential to keep balance,harmony and unity in relationships with love,care and respect for peace,happiness and good understanding to save and protect from destructive and dividing forces.Women must be strong,courageous and honest.

  12. I think women are equal to men.We must them equal status in every field to show their efficiency.The lack of choice,the harassment to the ladies in their duties by their superiors.If there is equal number of ladies and proper immediate action and seviour punishment to the trouble creators,the women will come forward to work in every field there by we increse the standard in every field since we get a quality in all fields

  13. You may have seen all the answers most similar today. but my answer is a bit different.

    Your question is women are considered equal to men. First of all you are believing that mens are more considered in the world then women (how ever it is going to be an END now days) women has always tried to participate in a race with mens with not having reason! where mans never did race with womens.

    The truth is womens are beautiful, delicate and respectful they have their beauty and their responsibilities, lifestyle and life to live. In the history always womens having their things to do and mens having their responsibilities to do. both of them are having different way to live.

    But now days womens wants to be GUYS and lost their uniqueness. its possible by doing "X2" hardworking but its very simple calculation that a men can do WORK easily then women and a women has to do more Hard Work to achieve the same because they are designed to be women not men and not to take all the responsibilities on their head just because of a "RACE" ! (for no reason)

    Mens never lost their existance and responsibilities like womens. they never tried tobe a women because most mens are normal (not abnormal) and they are happy with what they are. but womens seems to be not happy with their self (their gender) so they are going to become GUYS and its very common sense that a guy wont like a guy to live their life. most professional women's husbands wont be happy as non-professional's husband but they only act to live in society.

    Simply they dont need to become a guy but they wants because they are not happy to be women!

    Its not my opinion its just truth and it is..  I know i will get a down thumb and will deduct my points but i dont care of it by the womens but that is what truth.


  14. In Western society, I think we achieved equality decades ago. I've never experienced discrimination because I'm female - in fact, in many situations, it's helped.

    But unfortunately, men and women still aren't treated equally in some countries. There are many women in the world who can't vote or have an education, and are considered the property of men.

  15. They are equally capable in most of the fields . Where the strength Factor is there for men , women make up with their easy ability for Multi Tasking. Biological differences are obvious But in Corporate world they are making a good mark. Look at Indira Nooi , Naina Lal Kidwai.

  16. As you asked. My answer is Yes. In the manner of their talent, Yes.

    In their ability to work, Yes !

    But ability to safeguard their virginity, No.

    (Mind it, man have no verginity)

    Whether have you heard, listened or read that women raped a man?

    Actually it might be happened so many times, but man never complained.

    Now you decide.

    What is main problem.

  17. The answer is no, we are not equal. Never will be...

    In society women and men share and change off dominance.

    Men are pretty much superior to women.

    Ask yourself these things:

    have to agree with Fractal that men and women are not equal, even though society strives for equality in everything, not just men and women, but with race, sexual preference, and the list goes on.

    The thing is, there are physical and mental consistencies that take us back to ancient times that act as boundaries for this equality. Since the beginning of time, men have had to prove themselves over countless times to gain and show power and prosperity.

    Fractal mentions men take the cake for superiority, and they did, but in my opinion it was because women did not act on their prowess pre-Rosa Parks generation as men did and had the proper respect given in today's world.

    I believe the 20th century will be the first century landmarking historical women into our future children's history books as opposed to a total male control of power in the past.

    Still have to give men props for shaping the world for what it is today

    How many great female scientists have there been in comparison to men.

    How many great female artists have there been in comparison to men.

    How many great female adventurers have there been in comparison to men.

    The list goes on, and the kicker is... Women generally outnumber men.

    Because of the nature of the male and female relationships, men have to rise above other men for one reason or another. Women, do not. Throw in evolution and how long this has been going on, you bet your sweet *** men take the cake for being superior.

    Stronger, more productive(not reproductive), generally smarter, better physical senses, heal faster and fairer than women. As true to most mammals in nature, how much primping does the average woman do compared to the average man; and why is that?

    Thousands of years of hunting and gathering versus thousands of years raising children.

    Men are pretty much superior to women, but they couldn't exist without women.

    Why must a weaker person always grab on to the stronger person? "I am going to marry a rich man when I grow up." -A large portion of women.

    In modern society, wealth equals power.

    I could go on and on, but I doubt anyone is going to care.

  18. It depends upon whose point of view you are looking at - most men are still not ready to give up their desire to be perceived as superior, even on the face of contrary facts. Women on the other hand are less likely to consider themselves as less than men. This is true of India, and I gather that this must be true of the more modern societies of contemporary era.

    In terms of actual gains of power, the current historical era subscribes to the idea of individual right, and in modern nations women are granted same rights as men, in most speres. But, this may be only on paper - even in India wages are different for men and for women, boys are preferred over girls, and girls freedom is severely restricted. Violence of sexual nature has not come down over the last century or so.

    The answer to your question is therefore not  a single one. But one thing is certain, the fact that many women no longer are resigned to their powerless fate tells us that feminist movements across the world have achieved some success. And many men would also not openly resort to violence upon women justifying it one way or another is also an indicator of the changes that have come through.

    This issue is serious, and worth studying. I suggest you read the classic, The Second s*x.

  19. in islam ....yes we do have

    v 'veproperty rights  

    d right t take up ny job

    d right to our salary

    d right to spend as we wish

    d right to education

    mor regard to mother..

    d right to voice her opinion in d matters f runnin a house..

    d right to stand witness

    d right to b treated goodly n respectfully b bot d hubby n her fater

    d rite to equality vit men....

    if jus by pardha u cal us bckward..i cal u illiterates..

                    have u ever known y a woman choses d f comments nt bein conscious 1 cn walk do athg she wants..

  20. we still have a long way to go in achieving men and women's equality.But I should make the point that there has been a bit improvement in people's thinking on this issue. many of them have an opinion that they are equal , but still it remains a debatable topic ..


  22. I think the society today is dignified enough not to discriminate between a guy and a girl... Today a woman has the same respect in the society as that of a man. I believe this question is too old to be asked. Women are walking step to step with a men in all spheres. A woman is given equal rights in fact more according to the constitution.. !! So today it does not depend if its a guy or a gal the qualification matters and this is a step towards development of the society!!!

  23. I would like to ask one question against to this questioner.that is "Why are you comparing with Men?".The thinking capacity and applying thoughts are provided to all people equally.There is the different between the people how they are implementing their ideas.By using that ideas how they are going to achieve their goals.So as for as i am concern Men and Women are equal.Some physical changes are there but not mentally.

    Nowadays educated people are known the value of women and they are advised to others to save and love the women.

    I advised to all women "Don't wait for your freedom from men.Because you are born with freedom".

  24. Women have more rights's in western civilization.

            "when men have babies" is often a justification by some sexist women as to why they should have superior rights is in effect an admission of there sexist view's.

    I suspect in the next decade or two it will be possible to use "tube's" or some other kind of incubation chamber for baby's to be formed in so that excuse will become null and void.

  25. Dear

    No one is equal in this world. God has created all of us differently. Everything is unique and different. There is no gender based equations too.

    Women give birth to men so in this scenario she is bigger than men

    Man protects women - in this aspect he is bigger.

    Women feeds man - in this aspect women is bigger

    Man earns for the family - in this scenario man is bigger you can say....

    However it changes in every family. In some families man is more stronger in some families women are stronger. You ask many men, they would say they are successful because of their mothers struggle.

    In today's world women has started earning and she is financially independent. However it doesn't undermine the housewife's who have more strong hold on the family.

    Today's earning women are more weaker doing lots of work. Work at office, work at home, teach children etc.

    However one can agree that women no longer have to suffer in the hands bad men, who treated women badly all these years. Women has got the liberation, freedom of speech and independency.

    My mother was stronger than my father. We cannot say those days women were not equal to man. Infact they were more than men as they did more work and shared more responsibilities of the family. However they were supressed and were not recognized.

    However I won't generalize and say women have become equal to man now. Millions of women have surpassed men before and will happen after also. Similarly vise versa too. So it cannot be gender biased.

    I strongly feel that many statements should not be gender biased. Each individual should is different. Some are strong and some are weak. That is the truth.

    With warm regards


  26. well,we cn say NOT in all parts of d world n small regions.....they talk of giving women full freedom n all these r nt practised in reality..many ,unfortunately r still subjected to chauvanistic tyranny as child marriage ,sati system n other social drawbks stil prevail!!..!!

  27. Women think they are equal to men in this world. But they are definately inferior to men biologically in all respects except that they can bear children.Most of the world leaders, scientists,presidents,pilots,writers, boxers,athelets,Noble laurettes and philosophers are men.  This shows minds of men are much more superior and their better ability to work hard in general makes them definately superior women.

  28. Todays world...yes women are considered equal to men. But whether this equality really supportive to the society?. woman shall be living complementary to  a man. Man will be complete when he unites with his woman. then where is the question of equality. Sree Rama and Seetha has been equals only. but at the same time they have been sharing their life complementarily; understanding each other. Such equality I don't believe will comeback again. Now  in this material world; it is quite impossible to attain the absolute equality. present world is developing towards the stone age ( in case of Women equality to Men). Might is Right. Still that is the Rule.

  29. Everybody is equal to another and nobody is more than one .In the case  of gender status women are the most protected and privileged .All are in favour of them and as such there is so much voice for women rights than their duties .Round the clock protaction for women feels themselves feels  un happy and asking for more freedom .The modern society is bound to extend such freedom to women .Thanking you .

  30. Attitudinal data obtained from interviewing random samples of women and men physicians in metropolitan Detroit indicated that women were generally more liberal and egalitarian than men. Older women were more liberal/egalitarian than older men while younger men were closer in attitudes to younger women. Within specialities, women and men physicians frequently held similar attitudinal scores; however, controlling for age, s*x accounted for more variation than did specialty. A weighted combination of variables which together most significantly discriminated between age and s*x subgroups pointed to a sensitivity dimension. This was stronger in the women; yet men demonstrating a similar sensitivity were found in almost every age and specialty grouping. Although younger men physicians are less conservative than older men physicians, both younger and older women physicians demonstrated strong liberalism/egalitarianism.

  31. I don't think there is any difference left between the both in today's life.  Women are equally respected as men rather more than that. Example: Govt. creating reservations in, competitive examinations, govt. jobs etc. And there should be some steps like that  because it would be like a slap for the statement that,'Women are burden'. In today's life women is also independent like men.

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