
Do you feel that neither Obama not McCain are optimal ?

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I'm beginning to feel bored and uninspired by these candidates.

I don't like that we now have to chose between 2 EXTREMES !

I'm am usually a more conservative minded guy, but quite frankly ;

McCain scares me with how many references he makes to military power. I can't shake the feeling that he may (intentinally or unintentionally) provoke another terrorist attack / war.

Then there's Obama, who at times comes accross as way too liberal; what talking about g*y rights and all that nonsense ! that's NOT what we need to focus on right now.

Geez, I'm wondering why don't have someone who will focus on the real issues of the nation AS A WHOLE, and NOT special interests, or to pander to minority groups.

Is that so much to ask for ?




  1. There is no such thing as a perfect candidate.  Never has been and never will be.  Concentrate on issues.  Can we really afford to continue down the terrible road to which republican leadership has led us?  Eight years ago, the same people who run the McCain campaign urged us that we desperately needed to elect George W. Bush.  Four years ago, they urged us that we desperately needed to re-elect George W. Bush.  Why on earth would anyone believe these people now?  We've gone from greatest creditor nation in the world to greatest debtor nation under this administration.  American jobs have been shipped overseas.  Our reputation in the world has been made that of a unilateral bully.  Your Constitutional rights have been suspended (especially the 4th). And frankly, unless we turn around and soon it's going to get a lot worse before it gets any better.  McCain is just the same old thing in new packaging.  Palin calls herself a reformer but know how to plw the D.C. lobbyist game better than Jack Abramoff. In fact, google their names together and see what you come up with.   See?  Enough already.  Obama/Biden '08

  2. Yes it is too much to ask for in these time. The so called journalists have become lazy attack dogs that print stories first and maybe do research later and maybe not. People who are actually qualified are no longer willing to run the gauntlet of slime machines. Who can blame them.

    So you get the best of the worst to choose from. Only in BHO's case I think it's more the worst of the worst.

    In any event, until journalists begin being journalists again it looks like we are stuck with poor selections.

    McCain/Palin '08

  3. yeah, rights, those are terrible

  4. LOL...they aren't extremes.  Obama is the most leftist senator...#1.

    McCain is easily one of the most centerist senators.

    I'd prefer a GOP candidate who is MORE conservative than McCain...but he's not too bad.

  5. It's always a subjective decision whether you think a candidate has the best interests of the country in mind.  If you are a person who thinks military force is a good solution to problems, you prefer McCain.  If you think real diplomacy should be used first, you prefer Obama.  If you believe women should have to submit their bodies to the wishes of the religious right, you prefer McCain.  If you believe that abortion is acceptable even in the ninth month, you prefer Obama.  If you want anything in between any of the two options, you're out of luck.  In my judgment, the person who had the country's best interests at heart this election cycle was Ron Paul, but not enough people agreed with me for me to have this option.  So pretty much everybody has to choose on a few critical(for them) issues, and often there are pros on both sides and cons on both sides.  Which means you don't really have a good choice, just the most acceptable one.

  6. I agree the long primaries and cycle just made it to long and boring. The candidates that got selected are not as strong on the economy which really came into it's own the past few months.  

  7. Neither are optimal but elections are about choosing the best available candidate, not the optimal one.

    These guys are only people after all. They have flaws. There's only one "optimal" and it very rarely runs for president.

    So yeah, it is so much to ask for. Life almost never presents us with easy choices.

  8. yes yes. On one important issue, the H-1b visa for out of country hi tech workers, they both want to increase that number. The abuse of this visa has expedited and greased the elimination  of many thousands of solid middle class American jobs, including mine. Families get messed up. The USA is Zimbawe in the making.

    There are other problems with both candidates, but I'll leave this one for now.

  9. This will be the first time since JFK that a Senator will be elected to office no matter who wins, enough said.

  10. when in the past 16 years has a candidate been optimal. its been picking the lesser of 2 evils for as long as i can remember,

    these are Politicians, they all have an alternate agenda then what they talk about.

  11. I agree that neither candidate is optimal, but it is that way in all elections.  

    If anyone agrees completely with a candidates views they either don't have a mind of thier own or they didn't do enough research to make an informed decision.  

    I am currently looking at both Obama and McCain's websites and thoroughly analyzing thier goals and plans to achieve them in various situations.  

    At this point i have posted one question regarding Obama's short term plan for oil relief simply because his plan scares the h**l out of me.  

    Take a look.;...

  12. I agree, not the best of the world to choose from right now.

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