
Do you feel that parents have a right to read their children's diaries?

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I'm 16 years old, and I've been keeping diaries for years. My mom, as far as I know, has never read any of them. She's as much a friend to me as she is a mother, and I talk to her about pretty much everything, so I guess she doesn't feel the need to invade my privacy.

I've have actually heard people say that parents have the right to read their children's diaries, mainly because their kids are living under their roof, and they pay the bills, etc. I'm not sure I agree with that. While parents have the right to set certain rules and have control over their children until they are 18, I do feel that kids, teenagers in particular, should have the right to some sort of privacy, or some place where they can put their deepest thoughts out there without other people knowing about it.

So what do all of you think? I especially want opinions from teenagers. Do you think your parents have a right to read your diary if they choose to, or do you feel that it's wrong and an invasion of privacy?




  1. im 14. And i dont think that parents should read their childrens diaries. That a place were they could express themselves with no one judging them and such. If parents want to know something they should ask their children. There should be trust between parents and children.

  2. A diary is just asking for trouble.  You're tech savvy.  Get that on a computer and encrypt the h**l out of it.  

  3. Well, I'm not a teenager but i can at least give my opinion!

    I dont think that parents have a right to read their childs diary....everyone, especially teenagers need some privacy....the only reason i think that it would be acceptable for a parent to read it is if the parent thinks their kid is in danger or they're harming themself or is going to harm someone i guess im saying in order to really protect their child and they need to know something that their child isn't going to tell them or is hiding from them, then ok....they're doing it out of love and not to be nosy or just doing it because they feel as as parent they have a right to invade privacy

  4. As a parent I have to say that I would not go so far as to snoop  through my kids diaries or any personal belongings...UNLESS...there was some sort of situation that really really really warnted drug abuse or sexual activity.  I do my best to respect my childs bounderies so that we can have that open realtionship and they can come talk to me when something is up.  My kids tell me things that I am sure most kids would keep VERY private because we have that trust between us.  On that same note I dont think it is appropriate for a child to snoop through the parents belongings either.

  5. No, parents do not have the right to read a child or teenagers diary it is an invasion of privacy. Even children or teens deserve a little bit of privacy. My suggestion is if a parent is trying to read your diary make up a code, I know it'll be a lot of work but it'll be fun as long as you keep only one key to tell you what the symbols mean so no one else can read it.  

  6. A person has a diary for the need of privacy. Many that have a diary write down their deepest thoughts. When one rights in their diary it isnt "its for me to know and you to find out" it becomes more as "its for me to know and not for you to find out"

    i think many parents understand this and will npt read their childs diary.

    a parent may descide to if their child is acting strangely, but even if so  i think they will still feel the guilt of envading

  7. I think that a diary is private under most circumstances. However, that said, if you suspect your child is in serious trouble such as suffering from a drug addiction, involved in violence, or has been abused, then morality no longer matters, you as a parent want to protect your child and you need to throw logic and rules away and try anyway that you can to find out for sure what is going on.

    I am a 19 year old female, and I can honestly say if I was the parent of a teen, unless I believed something was very wrong, I would NOT read their diary.

  8. i would get mad if ANYONE read my diary or journal. to me, a diary symbolizes a piece of you. a diary is something that REALLY belongs to you. Secrets that you know. if your parents read it, i think its still not right.  

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