
Do you feel that people are knowledgeable and help you with your needs when you go to a shopping mall or?

by  |  earlier

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a place to eat etc...........? Or are you like me and feel that businesses do not put their employees through a good enough training program




  1. I'm kinda lost with this question but I'm going to try to answer it anyway :)

    It can depend on a lot of factors! Some days are good and some days are bad. I've been to a places where EVERYONE was just super friendly and extended every helping hand that they possibly could. Than there was other places, lets say that if I needed directions they would "try" to help but over all it wasn't helpful because they got me more lost than what I was :( Over all it just all depends but wait let me add this let's not forget about those places you may go where it seems like everyone has a ATTITUDE before you even ask a question. I'm still boggled about that :)

  2. I agree with you. It seems that not only are they poorly trained, but they are complacent and rude as well.

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