
Do you feel that people in a temper often say a lot of mean silly things, that they really mean?

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Do you feel that people in a temper often say a lot of mean silly things, that they really mean?




  1. They can also say mean things just to hurt the other person .. which is bad..

  2. Yes I believe in it. That is why you should never lose your temper.

  3. Hmmmmmmm....... my experience is that they are very sorry for what they said than most of the times. Maybe they don't mean it all, but there is probably some truth in it.

    We should try to remember that the tongue is a very powerful weapon.

    We should try to remember that it takes only a few seconds to make or open profound wounds in those we love, and it can take many years to heal them.

  4. That's true.

    When someone is really angry, its kind of like being drunk and they start saying all this meaningful rubbish that they really don't like.

  5. When someone is angry they become to recite the truth. but sometimes it isnt cause they just say it in anger.. :)

  6. True. Same with joking. There's usually some truth behind it. The problem with being angry or having a temper is you might say what you usually think about the person or situation but in a negative or hateful way. When you're even tempered you can think clearly enough to word what you want to say in a less threatening way.

  7. Yes, and its heart-breaking to hear the truth that you thought people didn't know or recognized!

  8. Thats true people are .......

  9. umm yea, i guess they are just plain old mean :P rofl

  10. not really...ive said a h**l lot of things which i really really really regret when i was angry...ive learned to just walk away from an argument thats goin no where....

  11. What we hide in our hearts is greater than what we speak. We just need to control our mind and our emotions.


  12. Yeah, me and my mom argue ALL the time. Over really stupid things like who was supposed to chop the potatoes for dinner. Ridiculous really!

    The thing is that you say the worst things to the people you love the most. And you do end up hurting them. Love and hate are 2 sides of the same coin.

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