
Do you feel that sometimes atheists seem like ungrateful and ungracious guests in someone else's home? ?

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Instead of being humble and grateful for where they are and what they have--and trying to prove themselves worthy assimilable citizens--all they do is find fault with traditions and how they are supposedly infringing upon their liberties.




  1. Someone else's home? Hahahahah do you mean America? Hey Genius open a history book. It's not your home either....but no I am glad you think the world belongs to you. Your mentality is why we hate people like you, It's not your fault that you were indoctrinated but you should really try to focus hard on learning and educating yourself more. That way when you ask questions you don't look so foolish to those who have the ability to comprehend life outside of our immediate surroundings.  

  2. This is a f*cking retarded question!

    Thanks for the drink, anyways...


    (Progress is a dangerous thing, is it not..? Why don't we just stop thinking right away?! If we did, it would be much easier to accept unjustifiable religious nonsense. You really DO want us to keep quiet and shut up, don't you? Why is that..? Do we make you doubt? Are you afraid of what would happen if we spoke up and stopped taking your BS at face value?! Keep worrying...)

  3. yeah, progress sucks.

    thats right.. you are infringing on my liberties.  

  4. "and trying to prove themselves worthy assimilable citizens"


    In fact here in the United States it is the religious fundamentalists who are the ungrateful guests, eagerly reaping the benefits of freedom of religion while doing their best to deny those benefits to others. The greed and arrogance of the religious fundamentalists is just breathtaking - they're like grabby whiny little children. Accusing atheist of inhumility is incredibly ironic - we're far and away more humble than the vast majority of religious believers.

    Next time try to base your insults in reality a bit, okay?

  5. I am not sure who invited them here. I guess deep down they have a longing for God that they are just not able to express.

  6. Actually no, I don't.  That's the first time I have heard that description of them.  I'm just being honest, but I don't agree with you.

    What I don't get is why they waste so much of their time talking about religion on here.  They don't believe in any sort of an afterlife, so they might want to get away from the computer and have some real fun before it's all over.

  7. Wait...  

    Religious missionaries go fourth to other countries convert people from their traditions to the missionary's traditions.

    Atheists, for the most part, are only interested in revoking traditions that cause bigotry, segregation, violence and hatred.

    And atheists are somehow the ungrateful "guests"?  

  8. Not sometimes, always. People are becoming intolerably arrogant and foolish each passing day. They are inviting their inevitable destiny faster. They are a curse for the life on earth and that is why many people suffer a lot here.

  9. I spent 20 years in the service....This is MY home.Personally,I feel if you are going to be in MY home,you should quit telling me I'm going to h**l and trying to teach my children lies.I paid the "mortgage"for 20 years.My home,my rules

  10. If you consider that, when Christians have 'discovered' countries throughout history they have always enforced Christian belief on the inhabitants. I would argue that this would be considered ungrateful and ungracious behaviour for guests in someone elses home.

    Atheists on the other hand, have never been known to do the same.

  11. Lol, nobody's home.

  12. Yeah, but it goes hand-in-hand with the feeling that so called "Christians" seem rude, pushy, demanding and overbearing. Instead of being gracious guests that find fault with traditions of others  and how they are supposedly infringing upon their liberties.

    It works both ways, even if you choose to turn a blind eye to how alleged (other ) "Christians" act..

  13. How dare you abuse the hospitality of the mighty Zeus?  Surely you know he was the King of Gods thousands of years before your puny christian god?

    On your knees, and pray for forgiveness for breaking His traditions

    See, it works that way, too.

    Assuming you are American, your forefathers didn't exactly assimilate with the people who already lived there, did they?  They took away their land, health, traditions and religion.

    As for atheists being worthy citizens, how about Bill Gates?

  14. WTF has that got to do with someone's home??

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