
Do you feel that the belief that teenaged girls are more mature than boys is a myth?

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When girls are immature they tend to me more self destructive/passive aggressive, (cutting, fighting with family/parents, gossiping, dating older men, thinking they are smarter/more mature then they are) where boys are more likely to be outwardly destructive (vandalism, fighting with peers, speeding on highway, obsession with s*x) Since the boys are more openly destructive then the girls, i think they get labeled as immature more readily even though they are both immature in a different way

Do you think either gender is more mature or less than the other in youth?




  1. THE TRUTH is that women mature "physically" at an earlier age...NOT MENTALLY.

    Women and men start maturing mentally at around the same age. Only women complete this process FASTER than men. So if both start at 13.. women finish by 21 and men finish around 25.

    That's the only difference.

  2. Girls attain puberty before boys do, and some health organization in my country says this causes females to be (on an average) 4 times as curious about s*x as males. I also think oxytocin levels are much higher in females, causing them to overestimate their mental and physical capabilities. These are printed by reliable magazines, and I don't know whether they are really reliable facts.

    Mental maturity depends on the upbringing as well as the mental setup of the person. Many people tell me my mental maturity puts many grown men to shame. And I can give you a list of immature girls in my class.

    But I believe, on the whole, that the inequality ends at physical maturity. Mental maturity comes at about the same ager in youth for both genders on an average.

  3. Girls are definitely more physically mature than boys at that time.

    As for mentally mature, anybody who has been through middle school and can honestly remember that time will know that neither boys nor girls are usually very mature at that age.

    What really gets me is that even if they ARE more mature at this age, women use this to try to say they're more mature at all ages.  That is total c**p.

  4. No, science has done a pretty good job at proving this one.

    Edit: "Girls reach sexual maturity two years ahead of boys, but other, less visible differences put boys at a disadvantage, too. The prefrontal cortex is a knobby region of the brain directly behind the forehead that scientists believe helps humans organize complex thoughts, control their impulses and understand the consequences of their own behavior. In the last five years, Dr. Jay Giedd, an expert in brain development at the National Institutes of Health, has used brain scans to show that in girls, it reaches its maximum thickness by the age of 11 and, for the next decade or more, continues to mature. In boys, this process is delayed by 18 months."

  5. Neither is mature yet.  They do not have enough life experiences and their brains are not fully developed yet.

  6. it easy to mature the feminine world.  

    Try this experiement: a girl is to act and dress like a male and fool people to accept her as a mature male, and a boy is to act and dress like a female and fool people to accept him as a mature female.  who will win the race?

  7. i think it is a myth because it does not matter about gender but the persons state of mind or the rearing of a child or social lifestyle .If a young girl or boy does nt have fun nd freedom at a young age they could become over active when older or too mature for age so gender has nothing got to do with it

  8. It's not that sort of maturity people are talking about - females mature faster than males because they go through puberty at a younger age. That's all it means.

  9. Yes I think that is fair as females tend to develop earlier than males physically and I suppose mentally as well.

    Obviously nature needs more time too perfect the adult male...i wonder why?

  10. no, i believe girls are not as active.  this behavior is often mistaken for maturity.

  11. Perhaps, in times past, girls were seen to mature (emotionally) faster because they seemed to have their acts together.  They had more interest in doing well in school and didn't seem to get into as much trouble.

    Today, however, it would seem that is no longer true.  Young girls today DO NOT have their acts together, as their priorities are badly scewed.  They seem to think their appearance is of paramount importance, and all else falls by the wayside...

  12. I think we need to distinguish between physical, mental and emotional maturity.  I don't know how we measure / find stats on mental / emotional maturity but it is true that girls begin puberty before boys on average :-)

  13. I think you hit the nail on the head about females being more passive aggressive and self destructive.

    I think the level of maturity is pretty equal ..and more determined by genes than gender

  14. Ultimately, it depends on the individual.  I know some teenagers who are quite mature on a mental basis, but I still know some middle-aged people that still seem to possess the mindset of some 5 year olds, haha.  I'd say it depends on how your surrounding environment influences the way you grow up.  I don't think one is entirely more or less mature than the other.

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