
Do you feel that the owners of your favorite team only wants to cater to corporate people & not the real->?

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Baseball fan anymore? And do you see yourself not being able to go to a game anymore in the near future b/c they only want to cater to the corporate people instead of the real fan who they should cater to but instead they are running them out in droves b/c of the ridiculous ticket prices for the games?




  1. not only as one red sox fan put it, do the Red Sox accept and promote a sponsorship by Ace ticket, the way they sell some of the more exclusive seats in the park is rediculous too (mind you Fenway is old and you can't see for everywhere, there are bad seats in that house)  They sell some season tickets in blocks that you have to by for a certain amount of time.  most of these are behind Homeplate... the "Fever Pitch" seats if you will... now I would say it is near impossable for the average joe or more importantly a business man with disposable income to buy tix fr years (business men don't f**t around, that's how they got rich.) ... to make it to everygame for 7 years so these seats are often on ACE tickets for mark up...

    since these seats are sold for a long time the Red Sox have helped themselves to guarentee sell outs for years to come, which will generate high demand for tickets so people will go to ACe to buy those tickets so the Ace scalper, ACE,  and the Red Sox get what they want..

    the teams that do the best with keeping the fans in mind are in the NL... Atl, AZ, Col... they all have cheep tix.. under 5$ bucks last I checked.  Turner in Atl is fun cause you can go in a few hours before the game and have lots of fun cause they have drumlines and restaraunts and lots of other stuff... Col sells fat tire beer...  Az has walk offs fr cheep.  

  2. Very much so. I know Yankees ticket prices are gonna rise drastically next season when the New Yankee Stadium opens. It's gonna be hard for me to break out and get to a game when I can't afford to watch the game and get something to eat. I will go, but not as much as I'd like to.

    That said, EVERY team wants a lot of corporate fans. Those well-heeled fans fill up luxury boxes and suites all over the place. That's why so many new ballparks have fewer regular seats and more skyboxes. I can't say I blame team owners seeing as how people will almost always go to the parks to watch games. Even if you decide you've had enough and won't pay anymore, there will be 15 people lining up behind you to scoop up your seats.  

  3. i have no idea im just telling you i like the squirrel avatar better :)

  4. They'll cater to whoever pays for tickets.  But corporate owners do pay a ton of money for outings and stuff like that, so of course they do. I would. My V.P drops $30,000 every year to rent out the fan deck at US Cellular Field.   Thats big bucks

  5. Dunno if the Red Sox are only catering to the corporate people or not but I do know something that is F'd up.

    How does a ticket scalping company become and official sponsor of a pro baseball team??? Ace Tickets are the official ticket agency of the Boston Red Sox. So basically they put aside tickets for this company to resell at a higher value and make even more money because they get back some of the profit.

    Tell me if I am wrong but isn't that s******g the little guy in a way?? I could go on about this for hours but no one will read 5 pages of writing in Yahoo Answers.

  6. While I am by no means  a fan of the fat cat owners I have to side with them on this issue.

    The super fat cat players union gave the owners nowhere else to go on this

    If you want to see Donald Fehr die from a massive heart attack have the owners tell him that  that are  going to  immediately cut 8 teams and institute a salary cap on those that remain.

    The greedy ballplayers have convinced themselves that they better get while the getting is good because they will never be able to ever get again.....not realizing that by being that greedy they could easily price themselves out of a job.

    By not making  the attendance of major league ballgames affordable to families and the average fan the players union  is in effect mortgaging the future in order to live high on the hog in the present

    I'm old enough to remember when star Yankee ballplayers had off season jobs & when their WS shares actually made a big contribution to their house hold income

    While I'm not suggesting that ball players go all the way back to those days >75% of that distance would be an acceptable compromise.

  7. Well, the couple times I been to a game someone gotten bleacher seats, which I have no objections to. I still got to enjoy.

    But I do find it really fudged up the ticket prices. I'm not well knowledged about it, but I do know it is out of whack!

    And there is a saying that you can't go to a Chicago Cross-town Classic unless you have season tickets. Now is that not bogus or what? I mean, DUDE! I so would love to go to one of those, even if just a bleacher seat!

  8. They are catering to a means for maximizing profit.  There is nothing wrong with making money in this country.  Ticket prices are whatever the market will bear.  I know the Mets will be charging a lot for the premium seats and suites, but keeping the prices for the regular seats similar for next year when they have their new field, Citifield.

    I will continue to go to 15-20 games/year.

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