
Do you feel that you are a friend of the environment?

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Do you have taken any self commitment to be friendely with environment? if not follow these, 1) Reduce fuel usage to the lowest possible extent. This will help you to reduce global warming due to environment pollution. If you do it, then you have to work more physically. It will help you to improve your health. It will reduce the risk factors of blood sugure, and heart attack. 2) Do plantation where ever it is possible. It helps to keep environment clean, its shade keeps land cool,reduces waterloss from land. 3) Keep medicinal plants in your garden, and fields which will help you in various ways.




  1. yes

    I do plant a new tree on my birthday

  2. I think that these tips on how to reduce our carbon foot print are great, however this is not a question...

    P.S. Do you drive a fuel efficient car? That is also a way of creating less poluution and saving money.

  3. Yes..i do care for enviornment. Appreciate your suggestions. I even sometimes have a fight with my brother who many a times keep tap open while brushing.. I love greenery and have even planted many growing up trees in my area..Lets together keep our earth calm and cool..

  4. yeah. i am feeling little bit. i am using bicycle only

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