
Do you feel that you are strange

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if someone acting towards you like you are strange or they are the weird one for trying to make you feel that way even though you are not. How would you handle these kind of people.




  1. I am going to be myself and if they think I am strange I know I am blessed anyway.I like to be friends whenever possible but it is not always possible. Some people are not meant to be my friends. God will bring the friends he wants for me.If one door closes another will open. I like being different and I think I was blessed with certain knowledge that some people's family never taught them. I don't use drugs and drink and it came from my dad teaching me not to.At first I would not listen when I was teen but he never quit talking about how bad it is also i was under prayer from other family so both me and my brother quit drinking and using drugs. I remember it was boring scary and bad. He always told me the road of drugs lead three places :cemetary,jail,and sick.It is true.

  2. They're right.  I am strange, big deal.

  3. I never feel strange I feel that they acted that way towards me because they are jealous of me whenever they say that to me I just tell them it's not my fault that I look better than you.

  4. I'm used to it, everyone acts like I'm weird all the time.  I don't mind, I don't feel weird, I feel like I'm just being me.

  5. I would suddenly develop a smile that would shock a preacher! And keep it just to see their reactions. No, I do not really care what others think, I'm mostly wanting to see if they can live without seeing my pretty face!  

  6. avoid them. I don't need those kind of games in my life. waste of time. don't let others bring you down!

  7. "Strange" is really quite subjective. Am I in the minority? Certainly. Anyone would tell you that. And since I am in the minority, the majority gets to decide how to classify me.

    But that doesn't mean I take them seriously.

  8. F*ck 'em. Besides, "weird" or "unique" people are a minority these days.  Do whatever the h**l you want.

  9. i would just ignore them  

  10. tell em to turn der a$$ around and go meet some new people.

  11. I disregard them.  Not worth my time.

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