
Do you feel the human race might be on ther verge of extinction?

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Maybe not within all our our lifetimes, but soon to be in the far future due to the nature of things in past history events, biology, political and warfare, as well as health and our environment to the planet earth. Explain what your thoughts and opinions are and explain how we might be able to prevent it..




  1. People do nothing but play the blame game for everything.Republicans blame Democrats,Democrats blame Republicans,Blacks blame Whites,Whites blame Blacks and so on and so fourth.The answer is not in the stars,but in ourselves people.(Shakespeare helped me) Oh yeah,the human race is on it's way out.

  2. People who live off the land and do not depend on a lot of resources from outside of their community will have a better chance of surviving whatever may happen to humans and to our planet as a whole.

    Natural disasters have always destroyed populations of people and wildlife. We will probably always have disease and war. The major problem now is our dependence on transportation for our food and water. If a natural or man-made disaster prevented us from getting those resources, devastation would result. In American society, most people don't live off the land and could be seriously affected by such disasters.

    I don't neccesarily believe we are on the verge of extinction. There are people who know how to survive in their own environment. Those people could survive in some parts of the world.

    Our dependence on oil is our downfall. I remember reading in elementary school that oil, coal and natural gas are non-renewable resources. If our population continues to grow exponentially while these resources dwindle, it is only a matter of time before we have to completely change our lifestyles or suffer the consequences.

    Perhaps the question could be asked, "Could we as humans living in this modern American society adapt to living without using oil, coal and natural gas?".

    I know not everyone can do it, but I live car-free; I walk, ride my bike and take the bus everywhere. We should try to improve mass transit. Perhaps if we lived in smaller communities and grew most of our own food, we could be more independent. Adopting vegetarian diets would require less land used for agriculture, hence more water and other resources would be saved. I have been a vegan for 15 years. I know not everyone can do this, but I do believe every little bit helps (if you try a few vegetarian meals per week). We have to ensure a clean and adequate water supply. I believe in peace and that we need to try our best to get along with other nations.

    This is an excellent question for the presidential candidates. Please send it to them!

    The link below for the World Resources Institute will give you more thorough, scientific information.

  3. Yes, if we don't learn to get along and stop destroying our planet.

  4. I was watching the 10 worst threats to humanity on the History Channel, and nuclear holocaust was close up there, I think number 3, but do you want to know what the number one threat was to humanity?  Global warming, more likely to impact us than anything.   And we can change that.   Someone had told me we don't have but 200 years of recorded history to base it own, so it may be a natural phenomenon.  Debates, however,  will get stronger and stronger as we continue to encounter more and more problems from our own actions.   If you have a chance check out that program.  Among other things pandemics, solar flares, asteroids, black hole passing close by Earth are things that could cause extinction.

  5. I will give you what the Bible says and predicts.....yes, mankind could very well be on the verge of extinction since the nuclear weapons make this a sick reality.  The Bible speaks of these things as the 'last times'.  HOWEVER, the Bible says that God will not allow mankind to destroy itself, but the Lord Jesus will return to earth to save mankind, and to settle the books.  As a Christian, this is my hope.  There will be increasingly bad times and horrible bloodshed....but it will go only so far before the Lord steps in.

  6. I sincerly hope so. They're not all that much fun.

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