
Do you feel the male is supposed to be the head/leader of the family while the woman submits and plays the...

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I know for a fact that I will never just submit and be lead, but be in charge as well and lead. We are finding out every year as society progressess that women are just as good of leaders as men and that a male is not the head/leader always. Thank God.




  1. i disagree with u...the man should lead

  2. i get what you're saying. i'm a big believer in yin/yang, energies & forces & all that. (don't ask me to explain it LOL, its an intuitive thing).

    I think in any relationship, it has to be give & take. people will naturally be inclined to do what they are good at. for example, i'm awful at making up my mind. over the past few months i've realized that i am very drawn to people who are good at making decisions--and have been my whole life, when i think about it! on the other hand, i'm a really creative person, and again, over time as i've become aware of it, there are people who are drawn to me because they like my creativity and inventiveness. or so they say...;)

    but at the same time, too many people who like to make decisions in the same room can be a nightmare if they aren't willing to change their perspective. and too many creative people might not get anything accomplished--but they'll have a lot of ideas about how to get started :)

    but to go back to leadership, everyone expresses leadership in a slightly different way. Good leadership, whether by a group or by an individual, needs a balance of the hard/soft, easy/difficult, complicated/simple is needed for any kind of relationship to work out. if the balance isn't met, then one person isn't going to be happy. i don't think it has as much to do with male/female hormones as it does with control over emotions and open-mindedness. i might be totally clueless though. LOL

    As for what this means in the presidential election, i have no idea. and while i'm not saying i am in favor of it, i have a feeling that mccain will win. there are too many americans who have it in their heads that a "leader" looks or acts a certain way. it's kinda sad.

  3. I agree that women shouldn't bow down to men. Women are just as capable as leading as men are. A large portion of the reason that people think this way (in my opinion) is due to Christianty. It puts women down, and tries to control them and make them submit to men.

    Men who try to control women are just insecure, and need a reality check.

    In fact, my dream is to be President someday, and I'm female.

  4. If that's how their personalities work out, good for them.

    People should take on the roles in relationships that they're most comfortable with. We shouldn't assume that just because a woman is, for example, a stay-at-home mom without an outside job, she's oppressed and unhappy.

    I know a woman who's homeschooling her four kids, and she seems pretty happy. They're very traditional, but the kids are all nice and polite, she seems happy with her husband, and she has an active social life.

    The people I've known in traditional relationships have a much more egalitarian view of it than we might think. The man might be the head of the family, but he relies on his wife for emotional support...none of the guys I've known in any kind of relationship take their girls for granted.

    I'm not a leader, but my relationship is equal, stable, and happy.

  5. sure if the woman is either brain-dead or a religious zealot.  sorry, I now see my statements as redundant...

  6. it's like... having 2 captains on a ship.  

  7. I don't think its that Hillary is a woman that cost her the election...

    I am all for women who want to follow their dreams and want to lead.

    But my dream is to have my husband provide for me while I raise my children.  I wont submit to him, nor do I expect or want him to do the same to me.  I'll marry someone who is my best friend, and we'll create a partnership.  I realize with things the way they are today, I might have to work, but I'd like to have as close to a traditional lifestyle as possible.

    But women who have different dreams and follow them, more power to them.  I just don't appreciate the ones that go so overboard they demean men in the process

  8. How about minding your own business and stop trying to tell other people how to live their lives?

  9. I'm tired of people using the Bible to further their sexist agendas. Lead all you want, but I ain't followin'! The only reason people want power is because they feel they don't have it, and use religion as a means to get their ways by not taking responsibility and saying it is God's way. God didn't write the bible; men did. I will leave my faith and what my purpose is in life in His hands, not some armchair neoconservative person who wants a cult-like following.

    Men and women should do what is best for them and their families. Women can lead, so can men. Let the couple decide.

  10. I believe that the man is supposed to be the head of the household, but that doesn't always happen. On the other hand women can be and are great leaders. Women are much more emotional creatures, which is why I feel God created both of the sexes different, whereas we can balance each other out and work on everything together as equals and not as an evil dictatorship on any one gender's part. Listening to other people is crucial to leading, but it sounds like your a leader at heart.

  11. We both will submit to each other's desires and needs. That's all there is to it. My boyfriend and I have discussed this many times, and he agrees with me; he doesn't want a follower, but a partner. the same for me.

  12. The smarter and the one who makes more money whould be the head.

    I'll say gender have nothing to do with it. But even if I'm not head, I'm not going to act all docile and submissive unless I feel like it at the time.  

  13. I grew up with conservative religious people who still believe that women should submit to men and that only men should be the leaders in their church. It's pretty sexist. They also don't think much of g**s as well. But they do have women's support organizations where women are the leaders-so they do value women in some circumstances. I don't agree with their views on women or g**s-both are limiting and intolerant. But quite a few people need to be told what to believe and how to think and act-and they feel lost if they have too many choices available to them. Unfortunately they also think they have the right to tell others how they should think and feel and act as well.  

  14. My parents have an equal relationship, and none of us have turned into a pillar of salt yet.

  15. No, ideally they should support & help each other.  

  16. keep dreaming ; nobody wants a shrill voice making the hairs on neck to stand up .

  17. I think men and women should be equal in a relationship,but women born leaders?? what?

    Gender has nothing to do with being a leader,its your personality

  18. Of course, it is 2008.  Yahoo! Answers tends to be filled with people who are obsessed with an outdated ideal, even though if they could go back in time and talk to some of those people who supposidly had "great lives" they'd see that some of them were happy and some of them weren't.

    I don't think that men or women specifically were destined to be leaders.  It's more about personality type and what kind of lifestyle a person desires.  My mother is working on her second master's degree while still working full time now that all of us have moved out.  My younger sister chooses the most challenging classes she can and she chose a very difficult college and is constantly stressed out about schoolwork, but she wouldn't have it any other way.  I think she's crazy, but she chooses to live that way and apparently it works for her.  She also knows nothing about her own sexuality, relationships or men, and I have to constantly explain those things to her.

    I finished college at a state school where I was comfortable, took a look at the job market and what my life would be like after a few interviews, and decided to be a homemaker.  I'm not into power, I'm not into politics, but women in my own family are career women, and I would never wish that they did something that did not make them happy.  Most people do realize that both genders are capable of many of the same achievements (physical things aside like giving birth and heavy lifting), and are not living in a dreamy world at the Cleaver house.

  19. I live my life the way I see fit; in my house my husband leads; now, if you will pardon my bluntness there is the door please use it. <gestures at door> Thank you. <closes door and starts getting busy>

  20. Leadership skills are not gender specific, correct, individuals have them or not. On the other hand, there is nothing wrong with being supportive. It doesn't automatically make anyone submissive. I am supportive of my partner and he is supportive of me. Our decisions are made as a team. We've got each others backs.

  21. I think that ideally in a relationship (at least any relationship involving me), both partners should do about equal amounts of leading and following.  While I'd be really annoyed if some guy thought he was the boss just because he's male, it turns out I also find it pretty irritating if he doesn't take what seems like a reasonable amount of initiative rather than just letting me figure it all out.

  22. I think the relationship should be the way that will make both people happiest. Some people are happier in male-led relationships.  I know I am.  The concept of 'equality' in a relationship bores me exceedingly, it is the death of passion as far as I am concerned.  I daresay some women were born to lead, but I would guess that they are the exception rather than the rule.  If most women were born to lead, then we would live in societies where most leadership roles were taken by women.  However, no such society exists, or ever has, and I seriously doubt that it ever will.

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