
Do you feel the politically correct r****d scientific investigation?

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Recently some at University of Chicago voted to deny Dr. Bruce T. Lahn (a world class genetics researcher) tenure because he had discovered several recent mutations in genes associated with brain development & evolution. This was mainly due to the fact that these genes were rare in Africa & "might" be used by some to "suggest" that Africans were not as evolved as many that migrated out of Africa.

Isn't it time we grew up & took scientific knowledge for just that? Lahn was granted tenure, but stopped all research on the genes associated with the human brain & evolution.




  1. Racism is a mental and social disease.  Objective knowledge should never be repressed.  It happens, though, in fascist crusades of social engineering.  What humanity has a right to suppress, though, are noxious applications of objective knowledge.  For example, although the objective comprehension of atomic energy is natural and good, the subjective application of atomic energy to use as a nuclear bomb is noxious.  Humanity struggles to avoid such diseased, noxious applications of knowledge.  The rise of humanity above savagery has been based on how healthy and wise our choices are in this matter of application of knowledge.

    To argue that the suppression of nuclear bombs is equal to the suppression of knowledge is dishonorable.  That screwed up logic doesn't cut the mustard among people with any honor and real intelligence.  It is a perversion of the human spirit to s***w these concepts around.  The INTENT of people who distort logic like that is not in any real search for truth but to support their own vicious agendas and fascist delusions of social engineering.  That is morbid and noxious.

    Another example of this is found in the flame wars occurring over in YA 's Gender category.  Someone with a sick "social engineering agenda" posted a similar question recently about the size of women's brains compared to the size of men's brains.  That person's agenda was to show "inferiority".  That agenda is noxious and no good.  His screwed logic included the sophmoric misconception that male and female brains can be compared.  They cannot.  They differ significantly in other ways than size as much as oranges differ from apples, chemically / hormonally / electromagnetically / areas of concentrated energy / areas of use during functions / speeds of neural activity and communication between sides of the brain, etc.  That is common knowledge among educated people such as physicians, nurses, physiologists, etc. To cheery-pick one particular variance to compare is lousy thinking.  To compare for the purpose of "proving" inferiority hails from a diseased, malicious mind, is noxious and warrants suppression.

    The question truly intelligent people ask when they compare is not, "Will this knowledge support my delusions of superiority?", but, "How will this knowledge benefit humanity?"  Nuclear weapons, misogyny and racism are losers in that process.  Just FYI, the ascension above the monkeydom, so to say, of feeling the need to suppress others in order to feel superior is the hallmark of true wisdom and intelligence.

    Edit: We should not suppress objective KNOWLEDGE. But, we most certainly should suppress noxious choices for how to APPLY knowledge.  Highly recognized as noxious are applications that "reduce" a segment of people.  Ethical research seeks to "empower" people.  There is no good in seeking ascension for oneself through the reduction of others.

  2. "political correctness" is really just Stalinist social engineering.  I learned all I needed to know about the leftist agenda by reading 1984.  

    Their attempt to manipulate thoughts by manipulating language (and as you say, scientific inquiry) is an attempt to force a new religion on mankind.  Their dogmas are predominant and any scientific, cultural or artistic threat to that newspeak dogma is silenced.  Not by bloodshed yet, but that is only cause they're currently limited to the universities.

  3. What if anthropologists have been lying to us for ideological reasons. our specie is homo, our race is sapiens sapiens.

    in other species, there are big morphological differences between the races: think about dogs, monkeys. between humans, our differences are small.: skin color, form of eyes, nose, hair. there is only one human race left, the man of Neanderthal, the man of java who were the other human races are extinct. therefore racism has no base, but people are culturist, tribist, ethnicist . still, it is no quite the same than to be racist.

  4. Science should have some ethics,though it rarely does.If the results of those studies are going to cause great social division within our society then obviously thats something they have to consider.I am part black and of course take enormous offense to being told I am intellectually defunct and useless in your linear view of evolution.Science generally is left brained,dispassionate, rational and doesnt care much for the social or emotional costs of what they are undertaking.But there are things we as society value more than aquired knowledge and social cohesion is one of them.You are free to study whatever you like regardless of what we as as a society value.

  5. I think he might be right but he did not go far enough. To be in this field and make a statement as he did and not do farther studies, that is a sin against science. If you went back read my addition to my answer you may see where I am coming from. There are so many questions and so few answers. No I do not feel r****d, dah what was the question.

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