
Do you feel their is a real worldwide fuel short fall? Or Big Oil both demestic and international, conspiracy?

by  |  earlier

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It has been reported, record profits have been made by these companies for years, while the genneral public has endured unnessary hardships due to the fallout from this uncontrolled rapping of the world consumer. Their is an answer, If we buy less, we will end up paying less in the future. What alot of us don't know, is that it cost the oil companies a lot of money to store excess fuel! Thats why when the public reaches a point where they cannot afford the cost of buy fuel, they cut back the amount they usually purchase, then the oil companies lower the price, because they cannot afford to store the excess fuel. thats the truth! If we would restrick the amount to 10 Gallons per visit, for say a year, The extra fuel that normally is riding around in our tanks will have to be stored, this would send a message to the oil tycon's, its time to back off! And in future, if they try to increase prices, the public should nip it in the bud!!! And go back to the 10 gallon rule! "Right"???




  1. Your argument makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.  I don't know if you read these things in some conspiracy theorist magazine or just dream them up yourself.

  2. It doesn't work, boss.  It just means the public buys in smaller quantities.  If I buy 30 gallons of fuel a week in 3 batches, I'm not affecting storage cpacity for the oil company, I'm affecting the storage at my local station.

    Good luck trying to get everyone to fall in line.  Unless you can string out the deliveries to the stations by several days, there's no impact.

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