
Do you feel there has, in U.S. history, ever been an administration as contemptous of its citizenry .?

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Do you feel there has, in U.S. history, ever been an administration as contemptous of its citizenry .?




  1. To quote Bill Clinton "I LOATH THE MILITARY" if this is not contempt for American citizens , you were referring to the Clinton's, correct?

  2. Yes, Clinton the first. And hopefully the last.

  3. Just wait till Ms. Socialist Hillary gets elected and then ask this question again.  I think President Bush is trying the best way he knows how, to keep America safe from terrorist attack.  Like him or not, there has not been another 9/11 attack in the US since he has been president.  But he needs to close the border and temporarily halt immigration until we get a better handle on the illegal immigrant problem.  This inside invasion is what caused the roman empire to fall and its happening again.

  4. For some reason Johnson, Nixon, Carter and Clinton come to my mind. Could it be those?

  5. Try the Nixon Admin for starters, then go back to Grant.

  6. Yes, the Clinton Administration, the President that let his socialism wife, just a first lady, no other authority, try to pass her healthcarecon job off on the citizenry.

    The truth is that with little exception, the only Americans who want a socialist health care system are those who want to control American life. Our choices and health are worth the inevitable battles that lie ahead.

    Right now, I am more concern about childrens healthcare, and the Hillaryscam she is trying to get passed, she could care less "about the children", but you can bet she will protect them mega rich from losing their tax cuts, she is big business and she has plenty mega rich business and foreigners funding her campaign. She can not be trusted with our children, or be trusted to take from her mega rich society , it is all a con.


    American Spectator | March 1997

    Posted on 12/05/2003 6:52:50 PM PST

    (Story originally appreared in the American Spectator, March 97)

    It seems that Hillary, who's had her fingerprints found on all the new scandals that are breaking on a daily basis is trying to fix her public image.

    So, to promote the new effort, showing how deeply Hillary cares about children, especially sick children in hospitals, Georgetown University Medical Center in Washington got a call. Hillary Clinton would be coming over soon with children's author Maurice Sendak. Hillary's advance team would be showing up arranging the security and logistics. The team did show up. What they saw horrified them.

    The kids in the hospital children's ward really looked sick! Some of them had tubes sticking out. Some had lost their hair to chemotherapy. Some were groggy because of the pain killers they had to take.

    Hospital officials were quickly told this would not do. Hillary would look bad in a newspaper photo if she posed with sickly looking children. They were told. "No children that look drowsy, skip bald kids, sick looking kids, or kids with tubes sticking out."

    So here's what the hospital actually did. They outfitted a hospital conference room with toys and kids decorations. They ordered hospital staff members to bring in their healthier children who would pose as sick children in photos with the great St. Hillary.

    So, on January 10th, Hillary Clinton showed up to Georgetown University Medical Center and read to a bunch of kids with author Maurice Sendak. Had you read the papers or heard the news the next day, you might have been bowled over by her compassion. Actually she demonstrated the opposite. You see the real sick kids, who were originally told they would be visited by the first lady were originally extremely happy and excited at the prospect of her visit.

    When they were later told, they were too sick looking to be with the great Hillary, some became deeply depressed. After all how would anyone feel not being good enough for Ms. compassion herself.

    Of course the press published the photos of Hillary reading to the cute kids the next day. They just forgot to tell you that Hillary, in the quest of the perfect photo could not bring herself to be photographed with an actual sick child.

    The phony mask of compassion that Hillary hides behind has slipped once again. Just around Purim time too!

    It Takes a Village by HIllary Clinton. She wants government sponsored day care for kids, government own and operated. Does not take a rocket scientist to see that Hillary uses "for the children" to get to the parents. Brainwashing camps. Bigger government control, from birth ,without a doubt.

    Vote 122: H R 1591: Ensign Amdt. No. 752, As Modified; To provide additional funding for certain programs under the Adam Walsh Child Safety and Protection Act of 2006, by increasing funding for the United States Marshals Service to track down convicted s*x offenders who have failed to register as a s*x offender as required by law and by increasing funding for United States attorneys to prosecute child exploitation and child pornography cases as part of Project Safe Childhood.

    Hillary Clinton voted NO to this funding.

  7. You need to go to National Archives to study your Political History and decide.

  8. I'm sure there have been.

    However, nothing anyone will say is going to convince you that you are wrong.

  9. No question about it.  The U.S. current administration is the worst ever. Taking our rights away and spying out it's own citizens without warrants.  The administration should be prosecuted for all their crimes.  If they were not guilty they would not be "resigning" at a record pace as they are.

    If they believed they were serving their country for the better they would have never "resigned".  They only resigned so they do not get caught.

  10. Several

    Perhaps some research will help you

  11. The administration of FDR interned Japanese-American citizens without declaring martial law and the Supreme Court upheld FDR's executive order.

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