
Do you feel there should come a time in our lives when we aren't afraid of anyone?

by  |  earlier

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As children, some people were afraid to stand up for themselves and speak their minds. Do you think we should dismiss our fear of people once we are older? I'm talking about regular people not rapists, murderers or robbers (we should be wary of them). I'm NOT saying to not be afraid to hurt someone. I'm saying we should be free to express ourselves and not worry so much about what people may think. I notice a lot of older people say whatever is on their minds and everyone else can pretty much take it or leave it. All perspectives welcome.




  1. I not only think it, I know it.  It has to do with the level of maturity, and also, the level of self esteem.  By the time you're 'older' you've figured out that the sky won't fall if you express your honest opinion.  Furthermore, you no longer give a d**n if it does :-)  There's no one that you're trying to impress, and that leaves you free to say what you think.  It's wonderfully freeing.  You realize that your opinion and thoughts are just as valid as anyone elses, even the so-called "experts" many of whom are only experts in their own eyes, hahaha!

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