
Do you feel you are always going to be alone in life?

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I seem to always choose the wrong ones and after dating a sociopath the last 3 years I feel I am better off alone. That roller coaster ride was much too long.




  1. It's one thing to think it and quite another to know it.


  2. my last boyfriend (5 years ago) hit me + told me he didnt love me

    since then ive found it hard to trust boys.

    i feel that way somtimes but its not true.

    depending on your age, then you will find someone woneday i just know it :)

    if your a teen then this happens all the time, dont worry about it, it may seem the only thing that matters atm but dont let it get the best of you :)

    and if your older then, maybe you go out to any sort of clubs, or even the library tbh! you can meet people everywhere, or dating websites like

    hope you find someone!

    good luck. xo

  3. i never have had a girlfriend, but i still don't have this feeling.

  4. im scared i might end up alone in life

  5. Oh yeah.

  6. yea

  7. Yeah, I think once I get over this one, I'm not going to let myself fall in love again. Life will be much easier.

  8. Yea that is what i always do and i thought i found the right one this time but i guess not cuz everything is going down hill and i think its best to just be alone.  

  9. i choose to be alone...

  10. We all want love but when love comes and then goes we feel like s**t I say **** love we are better off alone. *a very pretty girl just walks past and i forget everything i have just said, i am in love* lol :P

  11. sometimes

  12. growing up as an only child was lonely

    so yeah i feel like that a lot

    luckily have such wonderful friends & family<3

  13. Nope.  I know that I am very young (20) and have plenty of time.  Also for me, finding a significant other is not a huge priority.  

  14. I think that sometimes

  15. hmmmm

    You are ultimately alone in life.

    I am very happily married .... but I think partly because I have come, after many trials, to understand that being with someone means being 100% me.

    In the US culture .... we seem to be programed to think that  there is someone out there who will fulfill us.  Why would you want that?

    Isn't it better to be full enough that you can give to another rather than looking for someone to fill in the missing pieces?  

    You are alone.  

    We can only share ourselves .... hold lights high for each other in the darkness, and lend a helping hand.  But when the final moment comes .... we are alone .....

    So, yes I agree with you .... if you are not happy in the relationships get out of them .... time is too short to waste in unhappiness.

    Find and develop your dreams, your passions ..... and when you start to glow with it .... magic happens.

    I know .... I found it  and lost it once because I quit taking care of me ... and now that I have unexpectedly found it again ..... I refuse to stop being me .... because I want the best for him .... and if I have to quite being true to my bliss to make him happy .... then I am not happy .... which makes him unhappy ..... so .... why would he or I want that.

    Be happy.  Be yourself.  

    If You Love Somebody Set Them Free" Sting

    If you need somebody, call my name

    If you want someone, you can do the same

    If you want to keep something precious

    You got to lock it up and throw away the key

    If you want to hold onto your possession

    Don't even think about me

    If you love somebody, set them free

    If it's a mirror you want, just look into my eyes

    Or a whipping boy, someone to despise

    Or a prisoner in the dark

    Tied up in chains you just can't see

    Or a beast in a gilded cage

    That's all some people ever want to be

    If you love somebody, set them free

    You can't control an independent heart

    Can't tear the one you love apart

    Forever conditioned to believe that we can't live

    We can't live here and be happy with less

    So many riches, so many souls

    Everything we see we want to possess

    If you need somebody, call my name

    If you want someone, you can do the same

    If you want to keep something precious

    You got to lock it up and throw away the key

    If you want to hold onto your possession

    Don't even think about me

    If you love somebody, set them free

  16. If you dated a real-deal sociopath for 3 years then you probably need to be alone for awhile so you can have time to heal. This will give you time to observe people and see for yourself that not everyone has such skewed outlooks on life like a sociopath would display. Don't shut yourself off from human contact in the meantime, though. Get out among people as often as you can; males and females.The only way you'll develop trust again is to expose yourself to trustworthy people. They're out there. But the being alone won't be forever, just until you're well enough again to handle it. Good luck to you.

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