
Do you feel your on track with your destiny?

by  |  earlier

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If not, what are you doing to do so?




  1. I let fate govern my destiny .

  2. When I meet a significant moment in my destiny, I usually get a feeling of deja vu. I haven't had one in a while but that doesn't mean I am not following my destined path, there is no actual other choice. I just feel it more at certain moments.

  3. My desire is to be in the perfect sovereign will of God...However in His mercy and grace,He has allowed provision for error,when I have strayed from the path,seeking my own destiny apart from His will....No doubt,I have missd the mark,but by His grace will continue on my individual and unique direction,in the process of sanctification.

  4. h**l no. My "destiny" died out a long time ago.  

  5. Goodness no.

    I haven't started attending any school of thought.

  6. It is in my hand to build my destiny because I am the architect of my own destiny.

  7. yes I just answer yes or no at least I can get 2 the points.

  8. yes that's why I'm here if not I can change a new track but I'm still destiny of life or love.

  9. Yes I know destiny of life now she's destiny of love because she knows the answer to love problems. I talk to them in spirit they told me to find wing man to unleash their powers to save the world. (you got typo it's You are on track  not your :)1^[]^1

  10. Sorry, my tracks of destiny are impounded by the dirty government dogs. live to eat and eat to live till death welcomes me. look for jobs, they take it away from u. look for earning opportunities, they steal your work and presented as their masterpiece. hahaa....finally, they left u to death if u run out of money to survive.

  11. no. i do not believe in predetermination

  12. If destiny is what we are preordained to do, how could we be off track?

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