
Do you fill divots in the rough?

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Do you fill divots in the rough?




  1. I have never replaced a divot in the rough.  Unless I really dig a hole while swinging my club, I never really notice if I made a divot in the rough.  The fairway is a different story.  The fairway is made to look nice.  The fairway is what gives the golf course that pristine look.  In the fairway, I always replace my divot.  I even do my best to repair divots left by other, more inconsiderate, players.

  2. At our course we have seed and soil bottles available on the golf carts which we use for divots everywhere, in the fairway, rough, bunker faces etc. We have seed and soil on every tee to fix scars taken there , as well. Surprising how many members never fix their damage despite the convenience of material to do so.

  3. Thank you Taylor for adding nothing. Yes, preplace divots in the rough. Just get in the habit of doing it always.

  4. I am an Honor caddie at my local club and have worked in many of the local golf tournaments for many players. Never in my career have I heard about replaceing diviots in the rough. You replace diviots in the fairway for looks. The lawn mower is going to come by and suck up the diviot. Thats why there is a sand/seed mix that the course/club provides to grow the grass back in the fairway. 99% of the time you will never notice diviots in the rough, unless you play in water strickened places with dead grass.

  5. Nope don't play golf either.

  6. hehehe

  7. Never, and i cant believe this question

  8. Sure...anything you can do to help out is always good Karma.

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