
Do you find Classic FM patronising the way it just plays theme tunes from films all the time?

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Do you find Classic FM patronising the way it just plays theme tunes from films all the time?




  1. What I hate even more is that they keep churning out compilation CDs with the same old tracks on, and that people keep buying them!

    There is so much wonderful classical music out there - buy a compilation CD to start you off, then please, please buy a full length CD and listen to the whole work, not just one movement!

  2. i never really listen


    regards x kitti x

  3. Such Sad People..

  4. Yes. Classic FM is what it is - a pretentious station just messing with extracts of classic (not classical) music. You can't change it because it's paid for by the ads and it needs to do what it's doing to bring in the punters.

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