
Do you find a lot of children and youth are like this?

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Do you find that a lot of children and youth are like this?

I am in my late 30s and when I was growing up children in our family were not allowed to be the center of the universe, take over and butt in in every conversation and although we were loved were were not praised for every little thing we did right.

Do you find children and youth today in general ( not everyone is like this I know) are spoiled and have a sense of entitlement menaing they feel things are owed to them without having to sacrafice or work for things?

When did parents stop being the heads of the household and allow thier children to be? ( I realize not all are like this but many are.)

That is why I dont like being around some of my nieces and nephews because it is ALL about them and not much else.





  2. YES! I'm only 17 but i babysit a lot. I basically just babysit family, but most are sooooo bad! They think they can do whatever they want when they want...and the worst part their parents let them! I wasn't raised like this and when i get older am not going to raise my kids that way either. I noticed that they are spoiled and  take everything for granted. They always expect the most no matter what and expect you to give in to all of their demands. Yes kids are supposed to be treated fairly and kindly but that doesn't mean give in to them whenever where ever and they certainly shouldn't rule the household....even though most of the ones i babysit do.

    Also a lot of my friends get things that i wouldnt even ask for! My one friend has no chores or anything but still gets $20 a week in allowance!! Get real this isnt how things are supposed to be! I Get $5 and thats if i do my chore. I actually dont mind though because my parents are teaching me to work hard and earn my money. I am also on a budget (a small some of my money goes into savings, some goes into church for offering and the rest i get to put into my own pocket). This doesnt even bother me though because it has taught me to think about how im spending my money and not to buy things i dont really need. This also helps for when i get older because i will have to be mangaing a lot more, and im def. not getting into debt. and stuff. Want to know whats funny about all this though....that out of all of my close friends im really the only one who has money because all of my friends blow their money in one shot. It def. makes me feel good to manage my money and be in charge of my life. This is all because of my parents who i am very thankful for.

    Sorry for going on and on but this is a subject i have been meaning to talk about for the longest time!

  3. It's not the kid's fault...its the PARENT'S FAULT. I'm so sick of people blaming kids if they do something wrong that is obviously the parents fault, and the parent's dont want to accept that they did something wrong or are too lazy to discipline the child.

  4. Absolutely.

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