
Do you find any truth in this quote/saying?

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"Advice is what we ask for when we know the answer, but wish we didn't"

I thought about this for a long time because one of my students wrote an essay on this saying. It made me think back on my own life and I realized that when ever i went to my mom seeking advice it was because I needed to hear the answer from her to believe it, not because I didn't know it. What do you think?




  1. Most of the time I would say that its because I want to make sure I am doing the right thing. But part of it is that I am hoping they can come up with another solution that I didn't see. Sometimes you can be too close to make a decision without options for other solutions.

  2. i think that makes sense.

    when you ask for advice, you usually know what the right thing to do is but you dont want to do that so you might be looking for different options

  3. I think there is a lot of truth to this quote.  First, the majority of our questions are asked looking for support for what we already believe is the answer.  Secondly, if we were truly lost and had no clue to the answer then we would probably be paying for the information we needed from some "professional".  Great quote and better question.

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