
Do you find insects much more scary when you encounter them indoors?

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It's easy to sit in the woods and not be bothered by all the thousands of woodlice and ants and spiders crawling around you all the time.

But if you stick a big spider or a mosquito in my room, I have to get rid of it before I'll go to sleep.





  1. I don't like being bitten, so I will always smush spiders and such indoors. But, outside I try to leave them alone, so they can do the things they are meant to do. But, fear wise I am only scared when the buggers get as big as my fist, then I realllllllyyyy hesitate.

  2. yesss

    coz when you are out in the woods your kind of in their territory/home so your just a guest and you did go out doors after all so you didnt expect it to be bug free right?

    when your in you own home or just indoors in general you dont want some freaky bug invading your home so ofcourse your scared not to mention there isnt usually bugs inside but outside theyre everywhere

    i dont think that made any sense but anyways

  3. Cos he's got you in his sights. I have had a figging massively huge gigantic spider (well about 2cm anyways) trapped under an ashtray for 2 days in my living room waiting for someone to come remove it!

    I dont like the way he keeps looking at me, and I'm sure he has a flick knife!

  4. It is like the insect is invading your personal space, and you have to get rid of them as you don't know what they'll do.

  5. Yes, yes, 100 times yes! I don't like it because my home is not where they're supposed to be. They're supposed to be in their home (outside). I mean geez, they have all that room out there and they STILL want to be in our houses. Selfish b******s.

  6. YES! Tottaly

    Esp spiders!!

    then again even if their outside i still am scared of em (i dont harm em if outside tho)

    They make u scared indoors coz they make u jump or suprise u.

    Its ur home and their not welcome!

    I just feel really repulsed by em - their ugly

    i think i hate all insects really

    Xept butterflys, their beautiful and pretty coloured!

  7. h**l yes because they belong outside not in my house

  8. It's almost the same as having a burglar burst through your door.... IT'S GOING TO ATTACK!!!   Either you gotta go or it does!

  9. If its something that will bite me yah. Mostly because of the fact that the insect is trapped in the room and has no one else to attack cept me D: Particularly a mosquito. A roach will seem scarier indoors more than outdoors for me though, because I find them discusting to look at and to think they would be in a place I sleep or lounge in makes me feel sick DX

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