
Do you find it annoying when jaywalkers EXPECT you to STOP and let them cross the street?!?

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it's just one of my driver's pet peeve




  1. No run them down.  That will teach em.

  2. Yes, I did have one old (ish) lady cross the street at an intersection and she didnt even bother looking and she travelled at about .001 miles per hour, I actually had to stop for about a minute while she slowly made her way across (it was a narrow street) I didn't want to pass in case I gave her a heart attack or something.

    I also similarly hate drivers who just blatently pull out onto a busy street in front of you expecting you to stop and let them in (which I don't leaving them stranded in the middle or at the side)

  3. They always have the right away. Know how you feel though.

  4. If they are really jaywalking, and if there are no extenuating circumstances, then, yes, I get very annoyed.

  5. They're just trying to play Frogger with you.  You're supposed to run over them.

  6. Nope. I just find it amusing that they seem surprised that I honk at them.

  7. I am a jaywalker also.

    what I can't stand here in los angeles is the honking for every little thing.  the second the light turns green HONK!!!!!

  8. Yes, it's especially annoying to me.  I was having a conversation with someone about this just yesterday.  It makes me furious when you can tell that the jaywalker is purposefully trying to irritate you.  Honestly, I would like to know exactly what goes thru their little brains!  It's a good thing for them that there are laws against running people over!

    Last week, I approached a T intersection at the same time as 4.. we'll call them young men began crossing.  They didn't cross from corner to corner.  Oh no, they spread out across the entire road so that, once they had crossed one road, they still were preventing me from turning and continuing.  I had scenes from the movie "Death Race 2000" going thru my head then!  LOL

  9. Well, I'm not a jaywalker, but I find it more annoying when a car pulls up way to close to the crosswalk where you can't cross the line at the intersecting green light and driver expects you to wait.

  10. I find jaywalking to be downright stupid.  One of these days these jaywalkers are going to get hit by a car.

  11. JW are the worst! Especially when I was going to college… the kids there would just walk in the middle of the street taking their sweet ol time it would p**s me off so much… during my senior year I wouldn’t stop for them... After my mirror knocked off a few book bags and I ran over a few flip-flops I think they got the point :)

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