
Do you find it cute that we include the paralympians in news stories about the Olympics

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Even though the Olympics and Paralympics are completely seperate events.

And also the fact that no-one really cares about the results of the Paralympics.

And those that say they do are complete liars. Do you sit there glued to the TV watching 1 legged people run up and down a track?

Of course not. Who amongst us can say we havent had a slight chuckle to ourselves while watching previews of these events?

Am I cruel? Nope, Im just a lot more honest than most.




  1. I think Para Olympics is cheating. Those Para's can do High Altitude Low Opening jumping out from planes and usually end up in the SAS & all sorts of mad stuff. They are much tougher than your average Bear.


  2. Well I get your point , but I just tune out when news items like that come up , and I generally do the same with the real Olympics, as the competitors are all on drugs anyway.  

  3. I'm with Spegali and Fiona on this one - watching folks run round in circles (at whatever speed) is a total bore.  Even more of a bore are the "Jimmy Jump" commentators  who rattle on about it to try and convince us that it is meaningful.  It is ONLY meaningfull to the guys taking part.

  4. you are just one sad ( lonely ) person, a typical "Billy no mates". When you grow up, you will, hopefully realise what senseless rubbish you talk.

  5. I think that the para Olympics and the special Olympics are more important than the ordinary Olympics, at least nobody are drugged up and winning medals they don't deserve

  6. Well you would certainly win a gold medal in the "how many different groups/individuals can I denigrate or offend today! category.

  7. dont care about either of them and neither do most, i do have to say though that laughing at disabled ppl is not funny... you really are scraping the bottom of the barrel with this one.

  8. no its not cute, they put a lot of training into what they do, it gets a lot  of  disable people  out doing these things and making there lives a lot better        

  9. Agree with Fiona, I would rather watch paint dry!

  10. bloody h**l dave!

    I get the feeling your next victims will be single parents, then maybe moving on to cat owners


    no and no!

  11. You really do have just a little too much time on your hands, don't you?  

  12. Oh Dave, Dave, Dave.....

    I despair at you once again.

    Let them get on with it ~ they're entitled!

    *edit* Well I agree their events should be hoiked up to the same level of advertising as the main event then, yes.

    Some of them amaze me with how much they have overcome and still excelled at something physical ~ and are fitter than me.

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