
Do you find it cute when women wear their power suits and go to their little jobs as if they were men?

by  |  earlier

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Ellesar: "to try and" is very poor English; you meant to write "to try to".




  1. I find it "cuter" that they can earn their own living instead of sitting all day at home and relying on someone else to support them.

  2. I'm sorry.  Our little jobs?  I have graduated from college and i work in an office, making more than some of the men in my office BECAUSE I AM MORE QUALIFIED AND HAVE A HIGHER LEVEL OF EDUCATION.  Are you going to tell me next that I shouldn't have been educated and I should be barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen?

    Crawl out of the cave you are living in.

  3. *Rolls eyes*

    I think it's even more adorable when men use girlie words like *cute* and *little*.

    Get a job man!

  4. YES.  And isn't it great when they go their big jobs and get to make the decisions.

  5. oh for gods sake...there you are!

    now come back and take ur bottle dear..i swear..i cant turn my back for a second without you causing trouble!

    sorry ladies!

  6. It is also cute when they wear girly shoes and stamp on men's heads.

  7. Don't you just think it is so cute to see a man in his little suit and tie walk into his female bosses office and be reprimanded for being bias?By the way  Fergus 80% of the medication sold for depression and anxioty is sold to men.

  8. Oh yeah - right,...

    ....and when we are really needing a ego boost for our poow wittle jobs... in our poow wittle power suits  - (beyond some kind of pat on the head from the p***s gallery)  - then  we stuff our underpants with rolled socks to feel more like one of the big boys...

    why do women in suits leave you feeling threatened?

  9. patronising much?!

  10. I find women that "power dress" very attractive.

  11. :: dramatic sigh::

    I think the cutest thing is when little boys try to dress like grown men. They put on their little "power suits", grab their brief cases and lattes then head into a cubicle only to sit their the entire day playing computer games and pretending to work.

  12. Yes, and it's even cuter when they perform better and make more money than you.

  13. You just have a Daddy's little girl fetish Mr, you just need to find a lady who enjoys that sorta thing. As for now, leave the respectable, competent grown women alone, hhhmmm?

  14. Isn't it just adorable when the the boss!

  15. No, dress for success was a long time ago - and it applied to men and women equally :-)

  16. Is that the best you can do to try and pee people off?

    And no, I do not find it cute (just in case someone decides that they will get my answer deleted because i did not answer this absurd question)

  17. Do you also find us cute when we bring in the 'power pay cheque' too? ooops.... at the moment my pay cheque is slightly larger than my husband's....... does that mean he has the 'little' job? Is that how it works on your planet! lol

  18. Great question and Untamed had the perfect answer.

  19. No, but I find your attempt as patronisation with your ''cute'' lill'ol question quite cute a cute way.


  20. I find it as as further evidence that feminism is merely pathology and requires the help of psychiatic professionals.

    Risperdal, Zyprexa, Seroguel are amongst the many agenst we have currentlyh to assist such women.

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