I did an intense observation of myself for the last 6 months through February and July. I will mention dreams, nightmares, and no-recollection dreams.Every week of those months I rotated the positions I sleep in then logged it in out of the 212 days (6 months). When I slept on my left side, I had 1 to 2 nightmares a week with no control; basically everything happened on its own. When I slept on my right side, I had no nightmares but very little control in the sense that when I thought in my dream, it affected the setting of my dream. When I slept on my stomach, I had 2 to 3 nightmares a week specifically in the sense of drowning due probably to me being face down on a pillow after movement. Finally, when I slept on my back, I had very little nightmares (about 1 every 3 weeks) but had complete control of my lucid dreams. In all, I had 68 nightmares, 151 dreams, and 3 no-recollect dreams. A total of 209 dreams out of 212 days. Sleeping on my back works for me, what about any of you?